I am a speaker at heart, always wanted to speak in front of groups of people.  I never really thought I would become an author.  Somehow, when I try to write, the words don’t flow like when I speak!  Then, a publisher found me on LinkedIn.  Honored and overwhelmed I agreed to write one chapter in a compilation book with a group of amazing people like Mark Victor Hansen.

Now  I am published: “The Power of Leadership: Producing Results” was released April 2009! I actually managed to write an entire chapter!  Since the release, amazing things are happening.    I am now:

  • Getting more speaking engagements;
  • Generating a small passive income;
  • Featured as an expert author with more amazing people, like Dr. Ivan Misner of BNI;
  • Writing future chapters for more books in a series;
  • Have a video on the published web page http://www.power-of-leadership-books.com

So what’s the point I am trying to make?   Well, here is what I learned that I wish someone had taught me years ago:

  • Be relevant online- the publisher found me on LinkedIn which has been around for years.
  • Be a relationship builder not a sales-pitcher. Even if you have a book concept or chapter publishers are people too! My taking the time to get to know them has made a huge difference in the support they have shown me.
  • Be willing to market yourself and you will find additional support. Carrying my video camera everywhere has paid off! You might think, why record my signing books? Well, that video helped me gain status for more opportunity with the publisher!
  • Know that one chapter at a time is the key! Writing the first made me realize I can write more!

You to have the potential to be a published author, take the first step; you will be amazed!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”