On August 18, 2009 I had Owen JJ Stone AKA @Ohdoctah speak on “Video Marketing”. Video online is here to stay (Ask Owen), and even I am motivated to do more video! Yes, I have done some, but not as much as Owen, and what it’s done for his business, wow!

Here are some amazing tips (some from Owen, yes even I learned a few things! Some are mine, tips as a networking and sales strategist for small business owners)
1. Get over it! Stop worrying about how perfect you look or if you stumble over a word. Owens reason- IT’S REAL. It shows you’re human. It builds likability. My reason: if you delete and record a 3 minute video 14 times and it takes you an hour to complete you won’t keep doing them!
2. Use key words on all your videos. Owens logic- use keywords that are logical, things that everyday people look up! Ann’s Logic: use keywords that fit finding you, your name, your Twitter name, your biz name, what you do.
3. Upload to more than YouTube! Owen says use Tube Mogul (I am working through some kinks with it, but overall it is increasing my exposure and decreasing my uploading time to several sites one at a time!) And load to YouTube, Viddler, Blip.TV, Daily Motion, Metacafe and Vimeo ( yes you will need to first create accounts on those sites.) Tube Mogul allows you to combine and track ALL Stats! Very cool! I say: take the time to create those accounts and complete your profiles as necessary. Use your name not your business for your account name.
4. Be creative! Owen does “Friend Up” videos (the link takes you to an interview with me!) that engage others! The possibilities are endless!
Thank you Owen for sharing with my group out here in the bay. You are truly a wizard at what you do.

Not all of us can be as dynamic as you are, but we can be authentic and share with a wider audience of potential customers!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”