I met Dwana, creator of www.houseonahill.org and now entrepreneur of Healthier Happier You! on a social network site, WomenCo.com because we both get the basic concept of powerful networking, we connected.  Then one day she asked if she could interview me for her blog.  “Yes, of course!” was the answer!

When she emailed me final copy, I felt truly honored.  First because I teach my clients that who you are is critical to what you do, and her blog proved the importance.  Second, her personal description of me is truly a powerful testimonial:

“When I think of Ann Evanston, I immediately envision water. Ann is like water in that she gracefully fills up whatever space she is in, be it telecommunicating, on the web or in person, {or} while she conducts a seminar. You feel her and her presence is known.
Ann is powerfully demure (it’s possible), not easily contained, smooth, and douses any fire from fear. Need a life coach, mentor, leadership adviser or just a good friend- you can find it in Ann. ANN IS A WARRIOR-PRENEUR who has graciously honored my request to visit the House!!! I am SO excited that this vibrant spirit has taken a moment from empowering folks across this great land to share a bit of herself with us.” You can read the complete interview about Ann Evanston here.


Dwana and I have never met–>in person.  My ability to project who I am online made this happen. There have been many interviews on radio shows and blog posts written over the years, Dwana was the first. Learning to project yourself online though all the chatter is what I teach my clients. Are you learning how to stand out, so that you aren’t just noise?

How are you projecting what you do online? And why is this important as a small business owner?

1.    Google- visibility- this link consistently comes up on page 1 or 2 when you search my name.  It’s a powerful interview that makes sure clients see how others feel about me, and adds to my credibility.

2.    I have been able to use this to market myself on-line! I have frequently posted it to Twitter or Facebook; it’s great promotion!

3.    Other groups you are involved with can use it as well.  Womenco.com added it to their site as a featured article for example.

What’s the point?

  • You need visibility
  • You need marketing
  • You need exposure
  • You want credibility for your work

Learning to stand out and connect creates these opportunities for your business!  Are you participating? Have you learned to project your unique voice?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”