So many small business owners get on what I call the “marketing roller coaster.” One day they’re saying, “ Oh, my God, I need to market myself more.” Then they’re climbing that huge hill on the roller coaster saying “market, market, market, market.” After they eventually get to the top and clients come in, they’re enjoying the rush all the way down the hill, and then “Holy cow! I don’t have clients!” and it’s back up the hill!

Social networking helps you get off the roller coaster. It’s more like tending a garden — with consistent small efforts and attention, the seeds you plant will bring in a regular crop of clients. If you take small steps each day, your garden will flourish. This is my short story of how social media saved my business:

The truth is: social networking is a core business strategy. It’s not a fad, it’s not going away anytime soon.

Here are some interesting facts:
•    LinkedIn was launched in May 2003. It has over 75 million registered users and 2.25 million login weekly.
•    Facebook was launched in February 2004. It has over 500 million users and over 60% of them log in daily. The fastest growing population in Facebook is women ages 54-69. Over 70% of mom play games like Farmville on facebook.
•    YouTube was launched in February 2005. There are over 2 billion videos watched a DAY. As of October 2010 over 1 billion subscriptions on YouTube-those are people asking to get notified when your channel loads a video!
•    Twitter was launched in July 2006. There are over 100 million registered users and 40% login daily to the tune of over 3600 tweets per second. Regular users tend to be affluent, making more than $250,000 a year on average. Twitter indexes to search engines, so when used strategically, it expands your exposure.
The Key to your success? Know your target market and then develop a strategy to show up where they are. For example:
•    Are you a speaker or coach where trust in important? Then build your YouTube presence.
•    Do you work primarily with fortune 500 companies? Spend your time in the right LinkedIn groups.
•    Are your customers moms? Get on facebook.
•    Do you sell luxury or high priced items? Twitter is smart for you.

Remember, network online like you do in person and it will build your business.

Invest the time in your marketing online and it will reward you! Are you planning your marketing strategy for next year?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”