I love that there are tons of great resources and content out there. Often, when we are trying to achieve a goal all the resources we can get overwhelmed and not to anything. If, like in the video you want certain results (muscles, organization, increased sales, etc) a system is critical. To me, a true expert can demonstrate to you a system, or approach to get the desired result. Anyone can share “what’s out there”. Experts weed through what’s out there and help you get results.
If you consider yourself an expert ask yourself:
1-how do I show potential customers that I have a process, a system to help them?
2-if my system is one that I use more “mentally” (i.e. as a designer has a system for choosing colors with a client) how will my clients understand its benefits?
3-Do I have internal systems in my company that increase revenue, follow up with customers and demonstrate value?
To me, if you really want to stand out, create systems. Systems allow your customers to see results, to trust you, to come back and want more! My Social Networking Coaching Club is a system, my speaking engagements are internally systematized, my revenue growth is as well.
Where might you need to create a system?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I like this video of yours & I really enjoyed the examples – P90X, atkins – really gets one thinking! I think that it is good when someone points out what works — too much info otherwise! Rachel
Tough question since I really follow other peoples systems so far but that is about to change! I am going to put systems in place for when I have my own SNCC site. Currently my system is to show everyone my success in following your system 🙂 If that makes sense! I have a friend here who helps coach start ups and she and I are going to help each other out so hopefully she will help me put my systems in place!
Louise Edington
Facing Fears For Freedom
Ann, I love that you not only tell us how this conversation, and your take on it, relates to you and your business with your clients but you make it universal to all business for your clients (a sign of a true expert in my eyes).
In my work, I help busy people reduce stress and chaos related to mealtimes. And that in itself means setting up systems or in our case changing habits on how people cook for their meals. Since I’m a rep for company not the owner of the company, the systems are actually shared with us to pass along to the customers to help reduce mealtime madness with quick, no nonsense, all-natural, preservative free options for family meals. But busy people still have to set-up the system of planning in their heads first to make that meal choice instead of fast food drive thru — and that is the “night before” system of prepping the ingredients in the fridge for a smoother dinner preparation the next night.
Thanks Ann for always giving us tips and then making us look within to see how the topic is relevant to us!
Yvonne Hall
taming mealtime chaos
As always, great post. I’m not sure that the system approach applies to choosing color though. Unless of course it’s during a seminar or course that you are teaching, and you are helping people learn how to select color and how color works. But as a designer, in general my clients don’t really care about my system, as long as they get what they want.
YOU use a system to make sure they get what they want, they might not see it (hence internal or mental system in #2), I bet it’s a process that helps you be successful. I though of design TV shows where someone works with a couple challenged by color and she asks what is their favorite place to hang out…system.
Yes, I guess you could say I use questions to help me get to know clients etc. Could be considered a system
I have to say – whoever that social media expert was who said that it is “our job to put all the data…out there…” Uh-uh… You don’t go to an expert to hear ALL the possibilities – I can google and find all the possibilities myself and maybe even figure out which ones will work best for me, but that’s going to take me awhile and a lot of trial and error – if I’m going to an expert I want EXPERT advice and opinion. Having a logical engineering brain (though no longer in that field) I live by and am comforted by systems. One of my systems for creating photo albums involves a sort of assembly line technique that speeds up the process and still allows for creativity and customization. And of course, I’m learning your system in SNCC.
Pat Zahn, Photo Solutions Superhero
Thank you for this “cut-to-the-chase” message. Maybe we’re too much like the single-minded carpenter who regards everything he sees as either some kind of hammer or some kind of nail, but I agree with you that projects are managed best with a systematic approach. Same with answering questions and solving problems.
It’s true, some people are excellent compilers of information, and for this they earn the world’s gratitude. But those of us managing projects, answering questions, and solving problems need all this information organized into a coherent framework that can be tested, applied, and re-tested systematically. The alternative, I think, is a long sequence of random shots in the dark, leaving us with little understanding of where we are, how we got here, and how to improve things.
As you say, one important job of any expert is to “clear the clutter” and construct a reliably usable system, organizing those gazillion pieces of information and opinion into something that produces the results we want. Whether it’s for managing our business, helping people work with us, or just getting along with friends.
Systems is not my forte so I love that you have done that for me as my social media coach. I get overwhelmed so easily and it is comforting to know that if I do what you do, I’ll get the results you got! You already figured it out so I don’t have to. And that’s a good thing ’cause I never would! And for my clients, the systems are there for them. If they do as I do, they will get the results I have gotten. It’s amazing isn’t it!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Systems is not my forte so I love that you have done that for me as my social media coach. I get overwhelmed so easily and it is comforting to know that if I do what you do, I’ll get the results you got! You already figured it out so I don’t have to. And that’s a good thing ’cause I never would! And for my clients, the systems are there for them. If they do as I do, they will get the results I have gotten. It’s amazing isn’t it!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
The reason I joined and have returned whole heartedly to SNCC is because of its SYSTEM! And I also find that when I talk about this training to others, the word “system” is what lights them up. No one wants to be shooting in the dark in the big, wide SoMe Universe. Thanks for the diligence and ingenuity that brought this system to my door, Ann!
I’m commenting even tho I can’t see the video right now because systems are my lifeline. I love creating systems (i.e. organization) because w/so many of the business things I am involved in, I have to have a system, which is different for each biz. Kind of like when I match a tutor, my “system” is the same, but the nuts and bolts of it differs depending on what kind of student I am dealing with. Send Out Cards is one system that I use for every client, regardless of what they are buying from me. It’s just automatic – sell a warmer, sign up a client, sell a business package, welcome someone new to my networking group – they get a card. And it has helped w/my revenue growth and exposure. Will try the video again later!
The whole reason I love learning from you, Ann, and being part of the SNCC is that you do clear through all the clutter and help me focus on what will help me be successful. I get so easily overwhelmed by all the information out there and in the past found myself jumping from place to place, seminar to seminar, coach to coach, feeling as though I had to be exposed to everything as it came up so that I wouldn’t be left behind. That is so exhausting and non productive, as I found out. So I truly appreciate having the resources through you to be able to trust and put together a strategy that will achieve the goals I want to meet. For our business, we have systems in place that help our customers stay on top of what they need to do to keep their vehicles running at peak performance and be reliable. We also have the systems in place to make sure our processes run smoothly, we are able to get the quality parts we need to do our work, keep our employees trained and motivated, keep our customer information current and relevant, stay in touch with our customers, reward our customers, and maintain an efficient, quality environment. Your post here has helped me think about our systems and how they work, and I am pretty proud of how we are doing! I know, too, that as I am learning from you and Louise, we will be moving to the next level of success! Thank you!
You are right about the tremendous amount of information there is out there and it can be very overwhelming and yes everyone has an opinion on the right way to do it. (usually their way)
What i like about your coaching system is that it is all out there for everyone to see. We can learn from others mistakes and others can learn from ours.
You have a step by step system that if the student adheres to will truly help them fins all those wonderful things we are striving for…raving fans, free press, referrals and paying customers. Thanks Ann
Julie Labes,…The Fierce over 50 feels much younger point and click junkie loves to travel does not use a jogging stroller and before you ask this is NOT my granddaughter..Woman
I love systems! When I took information I had been teaching for years and created a system for it this last Fall, my business skyrocketed! Not only did the system lead to a clearer message and delivery of content, but once the information was in a system, it just started expanding…in fact, I call it the 6 Character Code System 🙂
Brandy Mychals
Communications Coach
Split Second Perceptions
I, too, believe in having a system in place that makes it easy to run mybusiness. I finally realized my business requires me to do continual marketing, so I picked specific things to focus on to build my business and have really created a system that works for me.
Rachel Lavern
Personal Transformation, Enlightenment and Development Coach
“Live without limits because nothing is impossible to you.”
Yes, systems work! Yours works great….without overwhelming the individual! There is so much out there that can get thrown at you without making any sense. Clearing the clutter and making it understandable is what you do so well. Its hard to take it all in, process it, and know whats good/bad or what works. Its great to have someone show you who, what, when and how it works….hands on learning. Your not just reading it…your doing it! If you follow the system you have a finished product…the student isn’t just talking the talk…their able to actively engage and see it all unfold right in front of them…and at their pace. I can’t live without systems, they are the method to the madness…..my way of figuring it all out. Thanks for making yours easy to follow and understand.
I love your system, Ann. It makes it so easy for me to move through the process.
Personally, I’m working on creating more systems to help me stay organized and focused. Thanks for the push forward!
I love what you’ve shared here. I agree that the amount of info available is overwhelming and that I will tune in to what I perceive adds value to me and my life. I saw that immediately in your system Ann. It’s the particular way that you break down things and offer them, that attracted me.
And this gives me motivation to begin to create a system within what I do and pass on the baton to those who are attracted to work with me.
Fiona Stolze
Inspired Art and Living
Oh so true, if I’m paying an expert they had better not just be dumping a list of what’s out there on me, I can do that myself. I want their expert opinion on what works best of what’s out there, and then help me customize for me. Expert is not a word that should be just thrown around.
Great points Ann, hopefully will help some people figure out who they really want to invest their time and money with to get real results.
This is such a great point, and one I have been struggling with since I started my business. I have systems for about 75% of my processes, but the other 25% slow me down. I have been working on getting those in a standard system since I noticed how much time they take away from getting people in the door. Thanks so much for the reminder!
You have a great point about your job as a coach is to clear the clutter. We are constantly inundated with information on Social Media it is really hard to know what is good practice and what is not. Having a coach who guides us to focus on what works is key.
The same goes for how we deal with our own clients as well.
I learned as a trainer (road warrior since 1995) that systems create behaviors which enable you to go on automatic when circumstances get hairy. When training new speakers I teach them to have systems for travel, training room set up, preparing a seminar, etc. Without these systems new trainers forget to pack underwear, lock rental car keys in the trunk, drive for 2 hrs & remember they’ve left behind power cords or equipment, etc. I wholeheartedly believe systems are powerful.
Lisa Ann Landry
I’m an exuberant force of light… Come light up your life
Systems are great tools to not only make our lives easier, they also give us an exit strategy. I am definitely working on it. I think all the busywork is simplified with routine action. Inspiring as always, Ann.
Jennifer Duchene
Home Makeover Mixtress blending Lifestyle and Laughter
Ann, Thanks for the reminder. Funny how I can be called Ms. Process in a corporate environment but when I turn to my entrepreneurial self I forget about the importance of process. Perhaps this is why I am feeling so scattered.
You are absolutely right Ann. And something I’ve been putting into place since you mentioned this once before. I completely agree that to give ALL the information that is available is too overwhelming. The reason people hire an expert to begin with is to help them clear the “clutter” as you put it and help them achieve what they want. Great blog and important to remember for all goals in life.