Daily ritual. On many levels (I hope) we already have them. The ritual of cleansing, of praying, of cooking, of reading. Most rituals started when we were young. They were rituals our parents taught us and we do them, even now without any thought. They are so engrained that we “just do them”.

My husband was raised Catholic. Altar boy, even slated to become a priest! I remember saying one Christmas, “Honey let’s go to mass”. He picked the local Catholic Church down the street. Watching him, after all these years, fall into the rituals of the church was fascinating! Even more fascinating, watching the entire room do these rituals. Then I realized, most were “just doing them”. Without thought. I don’t think there were many there saying “and peace be with you” that really thought about that statement as they said it.



Ritual.  Or is it just routine? I think people enjoy doing things without thought. Routine is just that.

When I started my own personal journey of the 30 day writing challenge I realized that I was creating a ritual. In the beginning it definitely took conscious effort just to write every day. Now, many more than 30 days into it, I am “ritualized” if you will. BUT here is the thing about this challenge. You can’t do it and NOT think. Writing requires that a piece of YOU be actively, consciously involved. (yes, I know, your subconscious, blah, blah, blah)- not the point because even that requires some level of activity. Remember my activity versus movement blog post?


I think the Catholic Church wants its congregation to be actively involved in the ritual. That though requires daily effort, and the willingness  to stay in conscious thought. To be actively engaged in ritual, you must participate daily. Hmmmmm…..interesting thought. Some days your praying might not be as powerful as other days, but you actively, and with thought, knelt down to pray. Some days your writing may not be off the chart fabulous but you actively and with thought wrote.

Ritual. Or Routine. Are there places in your life you need to awaken conscious effort?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”