I recently was the opening keynote at BLP Connect in Los Angeles. One hundred and twenty five entrepreneurial woman gathered for a day of learning about  “connection.”  Over the years I have realized that my work with my clients is more about their voice, and how they energetically connect online to grow and profit (and feel good about it at the same time)! My psychology degree really makes what I do powerful! Speaking that day I wanted these women to see the power of letting go of their fears about connecting online, and truly allowing their power and energy to shine through what they sell, product or service. For the first time I would release what I have developed as The Influence Factor.

Does your brand energetically resonate with your fans, referrals sources, partners and press opportunities online? Over the years working with countless women  to transfer their Brand online, I observe so many where there is a disconnect with their Influence Factor. So many people shift their energy when they get online to do their marketing. They become what I shared as the “Marketing Robot” at the BP Event! (Yes I did the robot from the 80’s on stage!). See a bit here:

Don’t become what you are not! Being the best YOU you can be is what creates The Influence Factor. Don’t forget it, don’t leave it behind. I have recently developed a series of over 40 questions that help me to assess the power of your voice, the five core areas you might disconnect,  and how to channel them to your Influence factor. They will be a part of my book!

The Influence Factor is first about who you are. It’s your values, your belief systems, the way you view the world, it’s your energy. It’s how you think and feel. I often meet clients who say, “I want to be able to sell my business. I want to be able to have an exit strategy and if I put my energy into the business. It won’t be sell-able.” that is so far from the truth! Every SELL-ABLE, VIABLE, THRIVING business has this.  Your energy will make your business come alive, your energy will make your business grow, your energy will make your business have values that another company would want to buy. And it will create customer connection.

When you find your voice, and dynamically connect it to what you do, everything changes.  See, social media is a dynamic energetic space. Watch connection happen when you do!

Want a SNEAK PEEK of some of the questions from Ann’s upcoming book? Get the passcode today!

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

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Ann Evanston, MA, has been named by About.com as one of the Top Six Marketing Consultants, Feb 2011. She is an international speaker, consultant and coach specializing in the Influence Factor.