I volunteer my time with Wardrobe for Opportunity and speak at a graduation ceremony for a women’s program they have called Pathways in Oakland CA.  The first time I spoke there, I was invited because of my “motivational ability” to tell my story as a speaker.  These are women down on their luck, laid off, no supplemental income, often single parents or who have a husband that’s not working either, and honestly they are just trying to make life work.

I love when I get to tell my story.  I love weaving the important lessons I learned along the way that they can hear and apply sooner.  My story is not uncommon, that’s why it’s important to tell. Many women asked many great questions, but two in particular I want to share with you. I think these questions, and not just my answers but my strongly held beliefs about them, are critical for success!

One Question: Do you ever say to yourself, “If I had only done that sooner?”  Of course that answer was no!  Regrets get in the way of success!  Instead, I think it is more important to ask yourself: what lesson did I learn so I can improve over time? What can I do differently to get a different outcome if a similar situation arises?

Second Question: “Now that you are doing what you love, what’s next?”  That is always such an interesting question!  What’s amazing is the possibilities are endless when you do what you love because you are:

  • A Lifelong Learner, so you stay cutting edge
  • Flexible and adaptable, so you can move your interests with current trends and interests of others

These two questions are key to success.  Do what you love and the possibilities are endless and never regret what happens along the way. How do you make sure you live by these beliefs?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”