One of my favorite sales books, “The No BS guide to Wealth Attraction” by Dan Kennedy says “ It’s important to continuously ‘Prime the Pump.’” I think networking, which is critical to being influential, is much like great sales (versus slimy). With the influence factor I teach people to MAKE people WANT to be a part.

As I think more and more about it, THAT is what you want to do on these social media sites, for your career! How to do that is REALLY the question! The key is to build relationship with people like you do when you network. Ok, I’ll admit most people to not do that well either! But networking requires that you give first without EXPECTING anything in return. That you offer solutions for people, that you listen more than speak. Those same things need to be true for you when networking online. Using Dan Kennedy’s language, you can “Prime the Pump” to increase relationship on your social media sites:

  1. Find a great news article and post it to a relevant group you belong to on LinkedIn. Pose a question about the article for people to answer and engage in the discussion.
  2. Share a tool you use in your business and love on your facebook page, maybe even make a video about why you love it.
  3. Read a great blog post or article online- share it with others on Twitter, and do your best to give the author credit by using their Twitter username.
  4. Also stay connected – just take time to comment on their posts without saying anything about what you need.
  5. Another great way to prime the pump – give “little pinks spoons” – tips and insights from your knowledge and wisdom that make people see your value, especially on LinkedIn!

I think it’s important to share different unique and special things on each site.  You increase your value.  You increase your Influence Factor.

Take a few moments and plan your strategy for each site you’re on.  What will you offer that’s unique?  How will you “Prime the Pump?”


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”