Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW

Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW


On August 18, 2009 I had Owen JJ Stone AKA @Ohdoctah speak on “Video Marketing”. Video online is here to stay (Ask Owen), and even I am motivated to do more video! Yes, I have done some, but not as much as Owen, and what it’s done for his business, wow!

Here are some amazing tips (some from Owen, yes even I learned a few things! Some are mine, tips as a networking and sales strategist for small business owners)
1. Get over it! Stop worrying about how perfect you look or if you stumble over a word. Owens reason- IT’S REAL. It shows you’re human. It builds likability. My reason: if you delete and record a 3 minute video 14 times and it takes you an hour to complete you won’t keep doing them!
2. Use key words on all your videos. Owens logic- use keywords that are logical, things that everyday people look up! Ann’s Logic: use keywords that fit finding you, your name, your Twitter name, your biz name, what you do.
3. Upload to more than YouTube! Owen says use Tube Mogul (I am working through some kinks with it, but overall it is increasing my exposure and decreasing my uploading time to several sites one at a time!) And load to YouTube, Viddler, Blip.TV, Daily Motion, Metacafe and Vimeo ( yes you will need to first create accounts on those sites.) Tube Mogul allows you to combine and track ALL Stats! Very cool! I say: take the time to create those accounts and complete your profiles as necessary. Use your name not your business for your account name.
4. Be creative! Owen does “Friend Up” videos (the link takes you to an interview with me!) that engage others! The possibilities are endless!
Thank you Owen for sharing with my group out here in the bay. You are truly a wizard at what you do.

Not all of us can be as dynamic as you are, but we can be authentic and share with a wider audience of potential customers!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”


Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW

10 Keys to Making Sure Your Business is Not Just a Hobby

I truly believe that success is a process, not an event.

I recently had a conversation with a very successful Meetup Organizer for a entrepreneurial group.  We were discussing business goals, his success and converting it to money.  Interestingly, he admitted to me that in 3 years running the group the majority of his members are no further in their business than they were back then!

What makes the difference?  What processes are important?

Honestly? This may be hard to hear, but some ‘entrepreneurs’ are just employees with great ideas who started a hobby not a business.

To truly be a successful business, one must:

  1. Have a business mindset
  2. Truly know the value of their product
  3. Have strategies that they are focused on to implement
  4. Self-disciplined enough to hustle
  5. Understand income, revenue and profit & loss
  6. Have a clear brand that shows who you are
  7. Be creative, flexible and willing to take risks
  8. Understand that marketing is important to growth
  9. Not be afraid of sales

10. Know that to make money you must be willing to put some money out

Where are you with these success factors? Which do you need to work on to take your business to the next level?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW

Social Media and HootSuite: My favorite Tool as I Market Online!

I have been using Hootsuite for sometime now, but it just keeps getting better and better! I made these videos for members of my Social Networking Coaching Club (where there is a TON of video like this), but I am so charged I wanted you to see! Time management is always a challenge when online, this tool will help!

Ultimately hootsuite allows me to market smarter so I can engage better! To see videos in full screen and all the additional training videos on Hootsuite and more join the Social Networking Coaching Club – lifetime membership and non-stop access to me, to help your specific goals!

Share with me; what do you think of hootsuite?!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW

3 Tips to Build a Marketing Strategy: Tips for the Small Business Owner

Understanding levels of marketing and building a strategy for marketing are critical for your success as an entrepreneur. Marketing plans will have costs and profits, and each type of marketing has different levels of return on Investment(ROI). As owner of Zena Enterprises, we teach entrepreneurs about marketing. I frequently find myself saying to business owners, “You started your business because you have a passion for it, which does not mean you know how to market it.” I watch their faces, and so many nod in agreement!

There are many marketing strategies you might consider. Here are three, plus some insights as to why they may be good (or not so good) for you and your business goals. In the last 11 years as a business owner, I have used all three strategies.

1-Networking and direct contact: This has been proven to be the FASTEST way to get business results. It will achieve the greatest ROI if you do it well. I have a good friend, Ruth. We met at her FIRST networking meeting for her business (she didn’t even have business cards yet!). Two years later, she has an actual storefront and two staff members! When you network, you must realize it is about putting others first, not you and your business. People help you faster when you help them! Also, beware of “FREE” networking events. They can be great, but you want to show up at events where people can afford your product or service.
Three tips to maximize ROI with Networking:
1- Show up regularly; occasional participation does not work, since you cannot build relationships if you aren’t consistent.
2- Show interest in others; remember that people like to talk about themselves.
3- Follow up after the meeting. This is so critical – it is respectful and helps close the deal and refer business faster.

2- Speaking/Presenting: This is a great way to expose what you do to potential customers, especially if you provide a service. Set a goal to speak pro bono at several engagements a year. This was a HUGE win when I first started my leadership consulting business!
Three tips to maximize ROI with Speaking/Presenting:
1- Pick the right groups that have an interest in your product or service.
2- In exchange for speaking for free, make sure you get a contact list of attendees. And always have a handout with a special offer on it.
3- Make sure you are a GREAT speaker. I meet many small business owners who want to speak in front of my groups, but they have not yet developed great speaking skills, which would negatively impact your ROI.

3- Publishing: Again, establish yourself as an expert! That is how you increase business. Post a blog, post on others blogs, and write articles for your local papers, or newsletters that attract your niche market.
Three tips to maximize ROI with Publishing:
1- Write powerful articles that you can use in multiple areas (paper, Web, and more) and keep them short.
2- Always make sure your contact info is included.
3- Keep your articles and post them to your Web site, or use them in your portfolio to increase credibility.


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Video Blogging Via @iqmz Powerful Education Based Marketing: It isn’t the Future it’s NOW

4 Tips to Becoming An Author: A Smart Business Strategy

I am a speaker at heart, always wanted to speak in front of groups of people.  I never really thought I would become an author.  Somehow, when I try to write, the words don’t flow like when I speak!  Then, a publisher found me on LinkedIn.  Honored and overwhelmed I agreed to write one chapter in a compilation book with a group of amazing people like Mark Victor Hansen.

Now  I am published: “The Power of Leadership: Producing Results” was released April 2009! I actually managed to write an entire chapter!  Since the release, amazing things are happening.    I am now:

  • Getting more speaking engagements;
  • Generating a small passive income;
  • Featured as an expert author with more amazing people, like Dr. Ivan Misner of BNI;
  • Writing future chapters for more books in a series;
  • Have a video on the published web page

So what’s the point I am trying to make?   Well, here is what I learned that I wish someone had taught me years ago:

  • Be relevant online- the publisher found me on LinkedIn which has been around for years.
  • Be a relationship builder not a sales-pitcher. Even if you have a book concept or chapter publishers are people too! My taking the time to get to know them has made a huge difference in the support they have shown me.
  • Be willing to market yourself and you will find additional support. Carrying my video camera everywhere has paid off! You might think, why record my signing books? Well, that video helped me gain status for more opportunity with the publisher!
  • Know that one chapter at a time is the key! Writing the first made me realize I can write more!

You to have the potential to be a published author, take the first step; you will be amazed!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”