The Warrior-Preneur Mindset. Do you have what it takes?

The Warrior-Preneur Mindset. Do you have what it takes?

Having a Warrior-Preneur approach or mindset is important because being a successful one means anything but being a fighter! A Warrior -Preneur is:

  • Self disciplined
  • A believer in relationships
  • Understanding of intrinsic motivators of others
  • Determined
  • Strategic first and tactical second
  • Able to make others think and feel
  • Able to move people to action
  • Clear on what truly makes them unique in how they contribute

Warrior-Preneurs have a strong mental-mind that hold them to higher levels of success in what they do and achieve!

Do they have what it takes a successful Warrior-Preneur? If you had to add to this list what would be important to you? Over the next few Blogs I will share with you 12 powerful mental-mind-shifts that help any person to become a Warrior-Preneur!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Six Warning Signs Your “Social Media Expert” Might Be a Fake!

Six Warning Signs Your “Social Media Expert” Might Be a Fake!

Growing your business online makes smart business sense these days. Learning how to do it right the first time is critical. There are many people out there who claim to be “Social Media Experts.” And they charge some pretty nice fees to “coach” people to improve their online marketability. I also think there are many people out there trying to be “helpful,” but have no clue of how to extend strategic help! At this time “Social Media Expert” has yet to be defined or certified (It’s coming, I am sure, just like it did with coaching). I also think about how quickly the Internet moves today and how sensible it is to get help if you are not comfortable with something. If you are going to select someone to help you, do your homework and watch out for the red flags. These tips will help you in selecting the right person.

1 – You cannot Google and find the person by NAME. The Internet is a very powerful tool and online presence is very important for social networking, even more for a “Social Media Expert.” I am a social psychologist who has applied social networking sales strategies online and has gotten great results. I consider myself a great “end-user” and even I am Google-able! Would you really hire someone to help whose name does not appear in searches?

2 – The person has very few Google-able searches. If you go to and type anything you are searching for in the main search box (not a Google toolbar search box), it will tell you how many times the keyword you’ve used has been searched for. Go there and type the name of the person. As you type, a number will appear telling you how many times the person has been searched for. Again, if you claim to be an expert who tells me that you are searchable and are searched for on the Internet, as an expert, I would hope that the number is large!

3 – The person does not have a YouTube channel. “Social Media Expert” means that the person is an expert in all forms of social media, and video is one of the biggest media opportunities out there. Using video to market is an important media strategy. Ask for their YouTube channel and check it out. Better yet, hopefully there is a link to their YouTube channel on their marketing!

4 – The person is not on the BIG THREE. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are considered the big three networking sites, so do they show up? Are they actively involved in dialogue discussions and groups on at least one of the three? Are they branded on the sites?

5 – The person does not have articles posted on or other social media article sites. Social media is about creating education-based marketing. Does the expert use the tools as they teach others?

6 – The person does not have a blog. Blogging is one of the most powerful tools for increasing your online presence and is taught as a key tool to all business people. Look at their blog and especially find out which blogs they read and comment on. It will tell you about their online presence!

These six smart tips will alert you on who you choose to learn from. Do your homework and make sure your time and money is invested in great support that will get you on the right track to growing your business or developing your expertise online!

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

Six Warning Signs Your “Social Media Expert” Might Be a Fake!

Shareology: Networking happens daily, not in a day.

Networking is about follow up it requires the self-discipline to make the appointment or call or even a personal email after you’ve connected

Networking tip: Want to be remembered? Be helpful.

The ultimate key of networking: Understand that you do not know you need a network until you need it, and then it’s too late!

Networking is about listening to others first and offering resources and solutions

Networking isn’t about needing clients. If you are that needy, it’s too late!

Networking is about connection not contacts for your database

Networking is about who you are first then what you do

Networking is about being able to say: “this person may never be able to give to me, but how can I give to them”

Networking is being able to say “we may never transact business, but let’s figure out how to partner to be stronger together rather than alone”

Networking is about a ripple effect. If you are expecting the people you meet networking to buy you are missing the point. It’s about who they know.

Warior-Preneurs understand the importance of networking, for their career and business goals. What networking tip would you offer to the group?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

The Warrior-Preneur Mindset. Do you have what it takes?

Building a Thrival Mindset Tip 5: Surround Yourself with the right people!

5.  Surround yourself with other thrivers. It is said that you are the average of the five people you most hang out with. Do you hang out with survivors? Or, do you hang out with thrivers? Find people who have a thrival mindset and start hanging out with them. And, if you do not know any, get some audio recordings to listen to and be inspired! I am often amazed how we hang around “party poopers”., and “negative nellies”. At some point it is time to say, for your own thrival, “enough”! Highly successful people have habits that create success, and that means hanging out with others that emulate the energy you want to be a part of.

Warrior-Preneurs also understand that reality and attitude are two different things!

Having a thrival mindset in your life is possible. You can be a thriver in your life if you choose to. Having more than you ever desired is what thrival is all about. It requires, however, self-discipline to change your survival mentality, which was probably developed through years of learning and training. Survival might even be an ingrained habit. The five tips given above will help you embark on the journey of thrival, and let you achieve more than you can ever dream!

Question: What do you do to thrive in your daily life?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”

The Warrior-Preneur Mindset. Do you have what it takes?

Building a Thrival Mindset Tip 4: Seize Opportunity

4.  Seize opportunity. Opportunity will present itself  in strange and wonderful ways. Sometimes it’s a call or emails you were not expecting. Other times it’s an offer to attend an event or meet someone for drinks. Are you quick to blow that off? Or are you able to see opportunity? Sometimes the POTENTIAL for opportunity is there, and we are quick to say no or turn it down. To have thrival you must understand that opportunities often present themselves only ONE TIME. And taking advantage of them when they do is critical to thrive. This means you must be willing to make decisions, and sometimes those decisions need to be made quickly. I think all of us have had the hindsight were we wish we had taken advantage of something and did not! It’s worth reminding yourself of those so you do not lose out next time!

Be willing to evaluate opportunities after the fact. Warrior-Preneurs are always strategic, which means don’t just do – think about why, how, and what needs to be done as a result.

What opportunities do you need to take advantage of? Share an opportunity with us!

Visit Part 5: Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”