Facebookology is about the social psychology of using facebook for business, and with that I decided to start “Facebook Fan Friday” – a tribute to fans of Warrior-Preneur that actively participate, understands engagement and share with others. A fan that gets that “givers gain!”
This week’s Warrior-Preneur Facebook Fan is Jennifer Duchene! I asked her to share, so we could put on our “how can I help you” networking hats, read this and reach out to someone who GETS IT! Here is what she said:
1.One thing that makes me unique? I believe everyone should live in surroundings that embrace them and their style!
2. Power partners include: Contractors, Painters, Tilers, Handymen, Landscape artists, Organizers, Closet arrangers, Carpet & Rug people. Frame stores, Tiles Stores, people who sell art. Personal Shoppers. Upholsterers. Furniture shops Movers. Personal service people like hairdressers
Realtors, Mortgage brokers – anyone who has the ear of homeowners & renters.
3. You can find Jen here: http://home-decorating-makeovers.com/ or www.lyshome.com (same website different link) or I linked her fan page above!
4. Your favorite thing about running your own biz? All the incredible people I meet.
5. What you do: I transform ordinary bland rooms into stylish comfortable spaces, one day home or office makeovers, using what is already there and adding what is needed(if anything), to fit budget and lifestyle.
I do color consultations, help people make decorating decisions. Educate my clients. Shop. I can do as little as a one hour consultation – all the way to a whole house.
Moving in, Moving out (staging with existing furniture) Downsizing, Upsizing, Combining households or picking paint colors, hanging art or shopping & arranging accessories furniture, window treatments.
6. Who would you most like to meet ( type of person) that would help you get to the next level? Most like to meet someone in the who can assist me to raise my visibility nationally, help me create my own products and TV show. Not sure what type of person that is – a promotional agent ?
Recently Jen posted this in a discussion on my wall, and I think it sums up how powerfully beautiful she is: “I am so there with y’all – engagement means across the board – passion – how can we live without out it – laughter angst and shoes – definitely shoes.”
Take a few minutes today to meet Jen, offer a resource, suggestion or insight based on what you read, I promise you will be happy you did! Thanks Jen for being Warrior-Preneurs “Facebook Fan” this Friday!
I look forward to selecting the next fan, selections are made each Wednesday so I can get info and prepare the blog. Participate, share, and get exposure!
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I know Jen personally and am always amazed by her decorating insights, her fabulous finds while shopping (which she shares as pictures on Facebook), and her infectious sense of humor. This gal really knows her stuff and also knows how to have FUN. Just thinking about Jen brings a smile to my face and a feeling of warmth to my heart.
If you know anyone who can assist her climb to fame, let her know. She deserves it!
Taru thank you for such a wonderful testimonial – I love being around you and basking in your Oracle glow!
Ann – once again I am in awe of you. You embody the best things about facebook social media & connecting with people in a real and powerful way. You sing the electric melodies that connect us all – give us voice and reason to dance to the music of shareology! Anyone out there want to learn about finding voice and focus through social engagement – choose Ann as you guide! She is magic.
Jennifer Duchene
Homemakeover Mixtress blending cool & cozy Style!
Thank you @jenniferduchene for this powerful testimonial – so appreciated.
You are so welcome Ann!
Oh Jenn…congratulations! You truly deserve all the kudos, my kindred spirit.
Cassandra thank you! my kindred spirit – I feel honored to share space in the universe with you!
Hi Ann, I know Jen, and I agree with everything you say! I truly love her spirit, and her creativity – how she works with what you already own. I can't wait to have her over!
she is FABULOUS! I think “Facebook Fan Friday” and honoring a fan on my page that is active is a great gift to give – she deserves it!
Ann – you deserve a Facebook Friday – we all want to know more about you!
Ana I am touched and grateful – thank you for your kind words. I love your spirit and energy and your generosity. Looking forward to more times together.
Well deserved. You are always so positive – even when you're computer is crashing ;-)! I'm so impressed with you and article!
Clyde you are a terrific, thank you for the kind words. I am equally impressed with you – and your naturalness around the computer, your willingness to give and help.
This is a reallt nice tribute to Jen, Ann. What a great idea that you are doing. You will find some amazing people and I look forward to reading what you have to say about who you select.
Thanks Carolyn!
Really nice tribute, Ann. I like your new FB Fan Friday. Great idea! You are so great at sharing…
Thanks @carolyncjjones ! I always want to be a role model of what I teach others!
Jen is a phenomenal lady–gifted, caring, and gracious beyond belief! I just had lunch with her last week, and asked her which networking groups did she think were the best use of her time and resources. By the time I got back to my computer, I had an e-mail list with all of the information. Very impressive! Thank you, Ann, for highlighting Jen Duchene!
Dear Dawn, You are wonderful and sharing. I enjoyed spending time with you and I love your attitude and energy. Thank you!
thanks Dawn, I truly pick people that get the givers gain philosophy and translate it to social media and participating as a fan on the page. I wanted to expand how WEAK #followfriday has become on Twitter! Jen is fabulous!
thanks Dawn, I truly pick people that get the givers gain philosophy and translate it to social media and participating as a fan on the page. I wanted to expand how WEAK #followfriday has become on Twitter! Jen is fabulous!
I really like your idea of “Fan Friday”, Ann. Any suggestions for me if I happen to not be also Facebook friends with the majority of my business fans? I can't reach out to them via Facebook to ask questions of them. Thanks.
Phyllis Neill