Facebookology is about the social psychology of using facebook for business, and with that I decided to start “Facebook Fan Friday” – a tribute to fans of Warrior-Preneur that actively participate, understand engagement and share with others. A fan that gets that “givers gain!”

Last week, due to my very sick cat, I did not select a fan, thank you fans for being so understanding.

This week, I have selected a very special Warrior-Preneur that demonstrates the power of relationship building naturally! We first met on Twitter and then grew to know each other better on Facebook. We have even turned our connection into contact and had a GREAT conversation on the phone – he GETS it!  Meet Bill Browning!

Take a few moments to learn about Bill, and then connect with him, be a resource and honor a great Warrior-Preneur  today!

What’s one thing that makes you unique?

I found this question hard to answer because I have never considered myself unique.  I know we’re all unique, but what is it that makes me different?  I wasn’t sure so I called two friends.  The first word out of both of their mouths was “passion.”  In roughly the same words both said, “You’re passionate about helping others and you’re passionate about your life.”

I must say I was surprised by their answer and touched. I said thanks guys, but everybody says that. It’s kind of like going to an interview and saying your best quality is that you like people.

Both said “Here’s the difference.”  One said that you “live it.”  It’s in every fiber of your being.  Every decision you make, every interaction you have is about being true to yourself and sharing that with others.

My second friend said, “It’s not about the money.  You’re willing to do whatever it takes.  It shows up in everything you do – your work with seniors, business or playing it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same.”

As I think about what they said, it’s possible I haven’t considered myself passionate because I take it as there is no other option.  We’ve each been given a unique set of gifts and it’s our responsibility to use them fully by passing them on.  On a practical side, the cost of not doing do, is too great.

One other thing about unique. Thomas Leonard my first coach said he never had worked with anyone like me saying that I was “dogged.”  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not so we came up with another word and blended the definition.

The word was perseverance – continued action in a state of grace despite difficulties and obstacles.

So in a nutshell – passion, perseverance, and experience (I’ve done a lot).

What’s your favorite thing about running your own biz?

Freedom, flexibility, discovery, creativity, connection.  Freedom and flexibility is really all about choice.  I get to choose the life and work I want.  As I change, my business changes.  So for me, it’s about personal discovery, growth, creativity, and self–expression.  Connection – It’s all about relationships.

What you do? I build businesses.  I change lives.

Change Agent             I’ve been told and consider myself to be a Change Agent.  You bring me in, things change.

Connector                   I had never heard this term until Ann listed me as a Connector, but it’s what I do.  I build relationships; heart-to-heart and then share that with others.

Coach                          I don’t compartmentalize between business and life.  I don’t think God or the universe does either.

There’s a level of mastery where there is no distinction between work and play.  That’s what I want.  My clients tell me what they want and then we set about doing it.

Thanks Bill for sharing, and for being a true giver, in person and online!


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”