Every week, for the Warrior-Preneur Fan page on facebook, I select a fan that embodies the give first mindset – in Social Media. What’s interesting is these people also embrace it in life! How can you get this honor? Participate, comment on our posts, share, invite people to participate with us!

This week I am honoring Sasha Sabbeth: she is the embodiment of stretching positive energy through social media! Get to know her, friend her, follow her, visit her blog – you will be happy you did!

What’s one thing that makes you – not your biz unique?

The current piece that perhaps makes me unique is that I am planning a fundraiser to raise $20,000.00 for my cat, Serenity’s cancer treatments for one year.  I am organizing a social media and email announcement that will be a powerful contribution to those who donate. I will be featuring donated services and products from high caliber resource people so that it is a win for my contributors as well as for myself and my donors.  I will be offering my services for free and/or at steep discounts.
Who are your power partners (not clients)?

  • Coaches who have large group coaching practices. I would provide the day to day quality of life entrepreneur soul coaching/healing systems that the group coaches don’t want to address.
  • Coaches who want a referral source for their clients to assist their clients in identifying their Soul Purpose, Passions, and to gain deep  insight into their personality profile.
  • Professionals who hear the confidential business and personal needs of their clients:
    • Lawyers,
    • Hair dressers,
    • Chiropractors,
    • Bodywork therapists,
    • Yoga and Pilates instructors
    • Divorce Counselors
    • Career Counselors
    • Health Personal Trainers
    • Public Speaking Coaches
    • Organizations that support moms in having their own businesses
    • Organizations that support people in having their own businesses due to health challenges

Links to your blog and biz website if different?

What’s  your favorite thing about running your own biz?

  • Freedom of my own schedule preferences
  • Freedom to inspire, uplift, and empower others

What do you do?

  • I assist entrepreneurs to become centered, intuitive, charismatic, confident, excited about life, effective Soul Purpose based business owners.
  • As a healer, I use several energy release tools and my intuitive skills to resolve unwanted behavior
  • I teach my clients an energy self management tool kit with which to manage their day to day quality of life.

Who would you most like to meet ( type of person) that would help you get to the next level?

The type of person that would help me get to my next level are 6 – 7 figure business development coaches.

Thanks Sasha for being a true fan! Ann


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”