Warrior-Preneurs are the next level of entrepreneurs; they get that strategy, mindset and habits create outstanding results. I have shared the first four characteristics of a Warrior-Preneur: 1-history; 2-discipline; 3-sexy; 4-community.
Now the fifth – integrity – a BIG word – watch here for my thoughts:
Now some might say, “they did not intend it Ann” – WHATEVER! Ignorance is not a healthy excuse! What demonstrates Integrity for you?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I agree. One of my pet peeves is when I go to watch a free TV show or movie online an it first takes me to a link that wants me to fill out a survey or buy something. That is not free. Free is something that you get with no strings attached.
Crystal Marie – yes it's a frustrating point and I understand why business do it – they want your info for the future right, we all need that especially as a small business owner. That is why I say “sign up for my newsletter and you will get my eBooks for free” – you know you have to give me something to get them. And I have even struggled with the word free there, but what other word would be correct? Not sure. Always trying to achieve higher integrity.
Ann – I think the difference is that you are being honest. Your audience knows they have to sign up for the newsletter and then you get the free eBook. But the links that I clicked on to watch a free show acted as if they were transferring me to that show and instead went to a survey link. Its all in being upfront.
Thanks Crystal Marie – that is my intention!
To me, integrity means doing something right even though others may not be watching. It could be as simple as returning a shopping cart from across the parking lot rather than leaving it by your car, to being transparent in your dealings with other people, to telling the truth. Integrity is who you are.
I love this Candace because I have also believed that Integrity is how you talk about people when they are NOT there – would you/have you said the same thing to their face (kinda like the shopping cart!)
Thanks Ann for saying it OUT LOUD. I don't like being hustled to have someone share an “opportunity” with me.
haha! You can always count on FEISTY Ann to do that!
haha! You can always count on FEISTY Ann to do that!