I have so enjoyed connectology(C) on my fan page and honoring fans that participate is what it’s all about! This week’s fan is Molly Burke, an amazing woman, funny, fierce and REAL!  She has grown leaps and bounds in social media and her fans love her! Please meet Molly Burke – a woman you should all know!

1) One thing that makes me unique: Just one thing? Geez. I can brainstorm great ideas in many mediums for just about anybody. I’m fearless and just about shameless onstage/platform. Oops, that’s two. And I wear tiaras while taking bubble baths. Okay, that’s three and I’m done. Pick the one you want.

2) Who are my power partners: Right now I’ve got allies in my work circles with whom I’m working magic and friends upon whom I rely madly for support and the occasional turkey carving. You want names? Biz: Adryenn Ashley, Jodi Johnson, Karen Frank, Candace Davenport, Krishna Surroy. Friends: Ian Carruthers, Jo Nemoyten (both of Foolish Tree Films and my BFFs) , Sharon King make up the VERY short list.

3) Links to my blog and website(they’re in the same place)


http://thequeenofconfidence.com (they’re the same website, I’m doing a branding change to the queen site early April with a website theme, logo upgrade and format update. Exciting stuff!

4) My favorite thing about running my own biz: Charting my own course and of course, working in my fuzzy slippers avec tiara.

5) What I do: Inspire people to greater experiences of core confidence in their lives wherever needed-work, relationships, business, sales, leadership, as well as fund, productivity and morale raising. I do that through my unique Life Purpose Discovery method, my books, public speaking, social media, coaching, leading seminars, webinars and retreats, through my upcoming radio show “The Queen of Confidence Hour” and appearances on TV and radio. Whew! I have a ridiculously long resume full of very impressive stuff and have appeared before millions of people in person on both stage and platform. I also sing and dance. I wear tiaras onstage.

6) Who I would most like to meet to help me get to the next level: Stock answer: Oprah. Strategically speaking right now? Promoters interested in collaborating on speaking/teaching tours and events with me and my JV partners both here and abroad.

Thank you Molly for being a woman that gets the art of connectology! Those of you reading what’s your favorite thing you learned about Molly?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”