Covering the traits or characteristics of the NEXT level of success a Warrior-Preneur possesses the power of fearlessness! (you can see the previous post on Integrity and find the other traits).
Are there places where you need to feel the fear and do it anyway? Where have you been fearless recently that paid off for you?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
Ah Yes, Fearlessness! For some reason picking up that silly phone (and the possible rejection behind it is my toughest challenge-) Actually ever getting a live person is really the hardest part.. But it truly is the fear of being thought of as “pushy, silly, annoying” all of those negative connotations that make doing it anyway the the Fearless Part-put me in front of someone and it is not nearly as challenging, I guess because you can read body language.
It's is so interesting what we can tell ourselves before we even start! Thanks for your insight Sharon!
Ah Yes, Fearlessness! For some reason picking up that silly phone (and the possible rejection behind it is my toughest challenge-) Actually ever getting a live person is really the hardest part.. But it truly is the fear of being thought of as “pushy, silly, annoying” all of those negative connotations that make doing it anyway the the Fearless Part-put me in front of someone and it is not nearly as challenging, I guess because you can read body language.
Love it great stuff. Motion beats meditation. Nothing happens unless something moves!
Hi Ann, I totally get how we need fearlessness. Just this morning a friend of mine referred me to drop off some flyers at the local fire station where her son-in-law works at. I haven't met the son-in-law and I wasn't sure how much he appreciates me dropping off my flyers so I was so apprehensive to go there. When I got there, all the fire fighters were nice (and cute…lol) and asked questions and appeared really interested in my services. This is just another reminder that we have to constantly take ourselves out of our comfort zone especially as business owners. Thanks for the video and tip!
Anna! What a great example! Fearlessness paid off!
Love this post. It's so relevant for me right now. I often use fear as my guide because it usually points out the places I need to lean into, or walk towards. Fear usually means I'm breaking out of my comfort zone into a place that does not exist on my current map. It's a bit frightening, but ultimately more fun, kinda like riding a roller coaster… it takes my breath away!
Anna! What a great example! Fearlessness paid off!
Love this post. It's so relevant for me right now. I often use fear as my guide because it usually points out the places I need to lean into, or walk towards. Fear usually means I'm breaking out of my comfort zone into a place that does not exist on my current map. It's a bit frightening, but ultimately more fun, kinda like riding a roller coaster… it takes my breath away!
I am very slowly stepping out to over come some fear. Yet it is time I take some BIG Steps. I know the success that awaits, the line to cross and make the full life of joy that I desire. Thanks or the reminder to feel the fear and do it anyways.