Michael Clark truly embodies connectology: he actively participates on my fan page and more. He reads blogs and actually comments on them. He is a Go-Giver. Michael is helpful, transparent and funny. Get to know him, connect with hm, I am confident you will not be disappointed! I am also inspired by how he writes (apparent in the answers below)!
Thank you Michael for being such a fan!
1 – My uniqueness… Umm… my DNA! Wait, there’s only a couple digits’ difference between me and a monkey (if that). Lemme see… Dual personalities of the a Renaissance Man: I’m as technically adept as I am creatively, er, creative. I’m told that while lots of folks do geek and art, few can do both well, and that I’m apparently one of the few. Sounded like a compliment, and regardless of whether or not it’s such rarified air or not, I’ll take it!
2 – Power Partners: That one’s easy. Jessica D. Chapman is top of that list. So’s my Dad. And my other mom, Hermine. My kids throw me some awesome mojo, too. Not to mention they stretch my mind on a regular basis. All exceptional humans who I’m lucky to love with all my heart.
3 – Blog Me Baby: http://thinman.civicapps.com
4 – Being My Own Boss Fave: Hands down, having the great good fortune to work with all manner of passionate, successful business owners in organizations of every size and stripe. To best serve my clients, I get to learn all about them, all about their markets, and all about their customers. That’s a total blast. The mission, the vision, the passion. It’s almost intoxicating what you get from folks who’re doing amazing things with their talent and their drive. It’s a constant source of inspiration, discovery, and it challenges me intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally every single day. Ok, a close second: firing the clients who don’t value themselves enough to treat me with the respect and consideration they get from me. Alright, that’s not fun. But it sure is interesting!
5 – What I Do: I’m a Dad, the right hand man and best friend of my woman (except for the girl best friends – I can’t compete), a friend, an instrumentalist, an avid reader, a writer (even poetry!), and an artist who sketches, carves, inks and presses old-school block prints. On the business side, as business organizer and entrepreneur extraordinaire Jessica D. Champman says: ‘I make stuff go!’ I do design, development, and integration of web sites, social sites, and publishing sites. From prototype through production, from management consulting to marketing, from the warehouse to the website to Flash widgets, I do pretty much everything. Graphic design, interface design, sound design, motion graphics and video, as well as database programming. I even make software that runs in the browser and on the desktop (going mobile, soon too, as soon as Apple gets done jerking everyone around with their new rules). I ghost write, and guest write, too. Blogs and books (well, one book, and I’m not sure it ever actually got picked up by the publishing house that wanted it). That’s a lot of fun, too. I totally dig scribbling. Here’s a link to a recent post for a florist (practical), and one for a jewelry designer (more conceptual).
6 – Who’d I Like To Meet: I like meeting people who are happy and humble. Not insecure, but humble. You gotta have game. You have to be confident, and bring it. Not a puffed up arrogance, either, but the solid confidence that comes from doing what you say, saying what you do, and delivering on it regularly to the benefit of those whom you serve. People wild about what they do, hopefully wildly successful at it. Even when they’re not. Even when on their worst day, they’re head and shoulders above the crowd. It sounds easy, but as someone who gets regular doses of humble pie (it’s an acquired taste, kinda like that gritty Rhone-Bordeaux-Cabby wine with twigs in it: yummy), and is still quite a happy human, there aren’t too many happy in humility folks out there. I’m increasingly in the company of folks who are strong, committed entrepreneurs who make a positive impact in the world. If I can just stick around long enough, some of that mojo’s bound to rub off on me and I’ll make somebody’s day, make Jessica, my kids, and parents proud (forget the cat; she barely tolerates me), and maybe I’ll pass something on to someone that will help them on their quest to improve their quality of life and that of the community in which they live. You know, somebody like Oprah. Or Elmo. Or the dudes who started Twitter.
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
Wow. Yeah baby! I made it to the big time! Not even kidding, I'm gonna send this to my mom, my dad, my other mom, my cousins, and everyone else who'll have absolutely no problem telling me to pipe down and get a life.
Ann, you're more than an inspiration, you're an instigation. You poke and prod and connect and build and exemplify. And you really bring things to light and to life.
Thanks so much for all you do for us out here trying to cut through the noise and make little ripples in the big pond. Appreciate your clarity, your skill, your generosity, and your light.
Now, it's back tot he salt mines where I'm regularly reminded that it's not how shiny the button is if no one clicks it, matters not how clever a system, how slick the widget, nothing matters if our relationships are wrong and our goals are the selfish product of small thinking. Hanging with you challenges my preconceptions, reminds me how little I know, and helps me raise my game.
Thanks, Ann!
You are a super-duper rockstar Michael – honored to know you!
Thanks for sharing!
Michael you are a breath of fresh and funny are. and I like your list (or is it fan?) of people you want to meet. Me to – I want to meet those real people. Twigs and all- not full of puffery like the silly add for a pizza – but the real crusty crunchy types that are genuine, funny and comfortable being themselves. A gift. And you do have a gift of the written gab. I fan that too!
It's great to meet you Michael. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I look foward to getting to know you better. By the way, I too would like to meet Elmo!
Great energy Michael! All of the things that you do are inspiring- I often think I should be focusing on one thing. That is what they tell you- we creatives thrive on doing many things- one thing feeds the other. It is all about sharing the gifts we are given-
Great energy Michael! All of the things that you do are inspiring- I often think I should be focusing on one thing. That is what they tell you- we creatives thrive on doing many things- one thing feeds the other. It is all about sharing the gifts we are given-
Facebook is a very popular social media to communicate around the world. There are many famous celebrity share their enjoy with their face book fans. So you also take the right step to stay with us.
This is my first time I am hearing about the facebooklogy and its really interesting. I’ll be glad to know and hope will enjoy it more.