I am bringing Facebook Fan Friday back, with more power than ever before. Recognizing those who support your efforts is smart business, but it’s more than that.  See smart Warrior-Preneurs understand that being on social media isn’t about pushing your stuff AT people, it’s about relationship building.

Therefore I am honoring those that get it! They will not only get the Friday blog post, they will get a 45 minute audio interview! Who better to learn from than people that get what it means to grow a business through people!

This weeks Facebook Fan is June Sockol, the Accessory Maven. June and I have actually known each other for a few years- we met networking in person. I have watched her find her voice and give a voice to others, she is a woman worth knowing! I asked June:

1- one thing that makes you – not your biz unique: I still love building large cities with my own legos (kids still not allowed to touch mine) I am planning to create some purses out of legos this summer, just for fun.
2 – who are your power partners (not clients): power partners are event planners, photographers, vendors at events (this has been an awesome resource for me, I’m not sure what else to call them), website designers (to give advice to designing my website but not do the work)
3- links to your blog and biz website if different: or http://www.facebook.com/AccessoryMaven
4- your favorite thing about running your own biz: My favorite thing about running my own biz is the confidence in myself. I’ve created something entirely myself, all the decisions are mine. To see other women and even men rush into my booth and spend 20 minutes checking everything out, then ask me where my store is or tell me how wonderful my products are, it’s an awesome feeling.
5- what you do: I sell Designer Inspired Purses and accessories to help you organize your handbag at affordable prices.
6- who would you most like to meet ( type of person) that would help you get to the next level: I would like to meet a fashionista, someone who can give me advice on current trends and maybe teach me some things about fashion, what (or who) guides the trends, etc.


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”