Every year I do a women of inspiration video reaching out to a few women that have impacted my life over the last year. This year I decided to focus on the women that are “Bringing Sexy Back” into business, as I truly believe in this power! Today I hand the sword over to these amazing woman!
Take a look at these women, do you know them?
If you do not know these women , I hope you will take some time to find them and meet them, they are amazing, true go-givers!
10-Donna McCord: http://www.deansautomotive.com/our-blog
9-Lisa Ann Landry: @LisaaLandry
8-Carla Young: @CarlaYoung
7-Jillian Todd: http://www.facebook.com/JilliansBoudoirPhotography
6-Elisa All: @elisatalk
5-Sharon Heibing: http://www.facebook.com/Wealthships
4-June Sockol: http://www.facebook.com/AccessoryMaven
3-Chrystal Bougon: http://www.facebook.com/blissconnection
2-Louise Edington: http://www.facebook.com/LouLovesLearning
1-Jen Duchene: http://www.facebook.com/LiftYourSpiritsHomeTransformations
Who are the SEXY in YOUR Business Women you know?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
Ann, I love having the power of your Sword in my hand! I am ready to wield sexy, notice I did not say yield! Woman, you totally took my breath away! You had me laughing while crying. You are my Amazon Warrior Mentor. The woman I dream of being, I cannot tell you how much I am touched honored and inspired by being listed as your number 1. What a group of true women power to be included in, your message is ricocheting and changing the world as I hear your words…you are definitely first on my list. MWAH
Jennifer Duchene
Home Makeover Mixtress
Go Jen, you Mixtress you!
Ann, many thanks for including me in this extraordinary group of women! I’m honored and humbled to be in such great company. And coming from you, someone whom I respect and admire so much, it’s an even greater compliment. Thank you, Warrior Goddess, for pointing your sword at me!
xoxo Elisa
Ann, a million thanks for including me in this amazing list, all of these women are so inspiring to *me*–beautiful, talented, passionate and grabbing life by the horns! I love knowing them through you and Chrystal and the Sassy Events.
I am constantly inspired by YOU–your ability to own every part of your strength, beauty and sexiness and not apologizing for it! You have helped shape my intentions for 2011 in so many ways, and I look forward to growing even stronger, better, sexier and inspiring the women I meet in the coming year to own their sexiness, too!
I am honored to carry your sword today!
Wow Ann, thank you so much for including me in your list of 10. What a wonderful surprise this morning! I know most of the women in your list and it’s an honor to be among them, they are truely amazing!
I owe a lot of who I am today because of you. You inspire me so much in my business and in my personal life. I am grateful for everything you have done for me and for all the great women you have introduced me to over the years. I look forward to continuing to learn and to grow.
Thanks again Ann!
Wow, I am so blown away. Ann, you “definitely share well with others” ! Thank you for this very sweet testimonial. I adore all of the other women on this list. You are the SEXIEST and the most CONFIDENT of all of us. Thank you for always inspiring all of us and setting the highest example daily.
I am verklempt, Ann. Thank you so much. You set the bar high and I love your “bringing sexy back to business” theme. Women business owners should feel comfortable stepping into their feminine. Thank you for helping us each to do that.
Ann, you humble and honor me with being chosen two years in a row. Your support and friendship are irreplaceable and I cherish having you in my life. Thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing group of wonderful, sexy women. Congrats to all!!
Sharon Hiebing
Follow Your Dream Compass
Congratulations, Sharon!
I admire the path you’ve taken to live a life you love and support others in doing the same.
Awesome list. Chrystal Bougon is a perfect woman for this list!
Wonderful list of wonderful women. I will definitely check out the women I don’t yet know. And great video Ann. Your positive attitude and passion are infectious.
Ooops! Commented everywhere but here – having a heck of a day but loving all that this is bringing in between dealing with issues. I remember listening to last years video and thinking these women must be pretty special and now look what’s happened. My success and growth to being a lioness is thanks to your guidance and support (and yes, my hard work to learn from that) and I thank you with all my heart and am grateful for you every single day Ann. Thank you!
Thank you for making this video. I was very inspired by your descriptions of each of these women, and there are things I want to embody in the new year–both in my business and in my personal life. Your video helped me to distill some of these qualities so I can turn them into goals and affirmations! Then, I started thinking about the women in my life and business circle who I could celebrate for these qualities! I think you’ve started something in my life and in my year! And, I am particularly proud that you included Jillian Todd–I’ve known her for years (we bonded when we went through our divorces)–to see her blossom now and live her passion is pretty cool! So glad you were able to work with her!
Love your list and that I know so many of them already because of participating in Blogger Monday. Can’t wait to get to know the others.
I so appreciate your comprehensive definition of ‘sexy’…so many focus only on the outside not realizing that the outside matters least. Really sexy, attractive women exude it from deep within.
Kudos to you Ann for surrounding yourself with so many sexy women.
Darcie Newton
Introducing Alternative Assets to Smart Investors
Congrats to some awesome women!
Congratulations !!!! This is awesome! I only know a couple of you and know you all must be amazing and I look forward to meeting you.
Kira Miller
CPR Training Solutiuons
How great to see Carla on this list. I will have to check out the other women as well.
Happy New Year to you!
What a fabulous blog/video dedication to these lovely women, Ann! Like a few others, I know some of them but would like to get to know a few more. Numbers one, two, and three are currently my favorites, but I biased!
Very cool list–and I agree, the three that I know are very sexy business women!
Heidi BK Sloss
I just now saw that I could comment here, and after reading all the other comments, feel so humbled to be included with such amazing and powerful women and to be recognized by you, Ann, as someone who could be on this list! I have been so inspired by you and what I am learning from you and tell everyone about you and what you have accomplished and are still accomplishing! It’s just very exciting to get to know all the amazing people I have met through you and Blogger Monday and now the SNCC group. I can’t help but think what I would have missed if I had never gotten to know you! What you are doing to support and encourage and connect us all is such a blessing. Thank you!
Donna, I’m happy that we’ve engendered a relationship and hope to nurture it further in the months ahead. Congrats!
I am proud to say that I know many of the women on this list and I am looking forward to getting to know the other women on the list!
A wonderful compilation of some amazing women there! Bravo 🙂
Ann — The thing that wowed me first and foremost about this vid is how you glow!
I could not only hear, but FEEL your love and admiration for these women and all they contributing to the planet by being their true, evolving selves. Your unabashed joy in them is nothing less than super sexy! And I”m proud to say I know and value some of them myself. Thanks for inspiring me to get to know the rest!.
OMG! I’m truly touched & honored to have such grand recognition & be among such AWESOME & Amazing women. I’d like to be Miss Positive Energy at all times but the fact of the matter is crappy things happen. The embodiment of positivity has to do with how you respond to the awful & crappy things. When I’m feeling down I ask the universe to send me positive vibrations & that picks me up again. I’m thinking being a Woman of Inspiration will keep me uplifted for all of 2011. Thanks & congrats to all the others.
Lisa A Landry
Vibrating Positive Energy
Let’s see…I know Jen, Louise, June, Sharon, Lisa & Donna through Blogger Monday and couldn’t agree more about the sexy part. I even had the chance to work with and get help for my bathroom remodel from Jen! I also know Chrystal who is so generous with her knowledge in many areas, not just her business. I know of Jillian’s work from your previous blog post but look forward to finding out more about her, Carla and Elisa. What a fabulous way to recognize women!
Pat Zahn, Photo Solutions Superhero
Jillian is a great photographer and such a warm hearted and talented person. Good choice. Of course, Chrystal is so completely vulnerable and honest about sex and keeps the conversation open for all of us. Another great choice. Jen’s capacity to transform a room, and make it sexy if people want, gives her a great capacity to help people harmonize their homes. All great choices.