January is always so amazing isn’t it? New, fresh, creative, starting over – full of all that EXCITING energy- well, guess what? It’s OVER! Here is my VLOG about January!
See, I don’t CARE what NEW exciting energy and ideas you had in January- you have to put in the work to get the results you desire. Here are my three tips:
1-Pick what it is you are REALLY committed to achieving that you generated in January, let go of the rest.
2-Commit 1 HOUR a day, put it in your calendar to work on JUST that thing. This may be classes, reading, development, editing, meditation, journaling- it can be many things depending on the goal. ONE solid hour a day.
3-Set a drop dead date to achieve it. Evaluate your progress, get feedback from people who SUPPORT your achieving the goal.
See, it’s easy right about now just just fall back into old habits. You won’t achieve the “next level” without the discipline for your desired results. Next levels are good things for all of us – just ask Shamu the whale…then keep raising that bar!
What ONE thing are you going to CONVERT to success?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
Great advice. I believe I am on the right path and your words help to further guide me and push me along.
Thanks Ann! I like the way you suggest to commit an hour/day to that creative source — that makes me feel less guilty about taking an hour of my day to walk dogs or exercise (where I do my best thinking). Wonderful tips for moving out of Jan and into the rest of the year! Rachel
I’m working on including events in my business that are well attended AND profitable. I like profit, but surprisingly, it has been a journey to allow myself to make money on certain things, valuing my services as well as my products.
Great food for thought. I really like the one hour commitment to one thing. Easy to remember.
Great post. I’m working on setting up dedicated times for responding to emails.
Commitment, boundaries, and deadline–all so important. I’m working on using my on-line time more effectively, as it stills tends to ooze all over the place. I’m not getting what I want, need, and deserve from my on-line time. The idea of selecting ONE thing and committing to that is very helpful. Going to continue with my SNCC training with more focused time (less squandered) and going to keep that timer handy!
Commitment, boundaries, and deadline–all so important. I’m working on using my on-line time more effectively, as it stills tends to ooze all over the place. I’m not getting what I want, need, and deserve from my on-line time. The idea of selecting ONE thing and committing to that is very helpful. Going to continue with my SNCC training with more focused time (less squandered) and going to keep that timer handy!
My overall goal is to increase our business, and there are so many things we are working on to accomplish that, but the ONE thing I really want to convert to success is what I am learning about Blogging and be able to use it in a way that will really engage people and be useful to them, while at the same time cementing our credibility and expanding the awareness of who we are — hopefully resulting in the phone ringing more frequently and our schedule being booked at least a week in advance!
My main thing is to be a successful SNCC coach in 2011 and I am devoting time to that every day. My other goal is the in person networking – being a home body in the evenings (especially when it’s cold in winter) I find that hard but I have just buddied up with someone here to do it as she has a business start up also. We met this morning to chat about how we are going to help each other. Not sure I can devote an hour each day to that as that will be more sporadic. I do want to get even more focused and disciplined with my time though – am using google calender a lot more and shutting down windows to focus on one thing at a time. I get better at this every day!
Louise Edington
Facing Fears For Freedom
I hear ya talking to me…I’m committed to converting the knowledge I acquired during the SNCC 30 day challenge into a referral-magnet-raving-fan-PR machine for 2011 and beyond!
Darcie Newton
Wine not whine. Nature not nurture. Discipline for profit, none for cheese.
I am committed to spending my time more efficiently by letting go of the things I cannot control (at least for a while) and spending that time in a more productive way.
Julie Labes,…The Fierce over 50 feels much younger point and click junkie loves to travel does not use a jogging stroller and before you ask this is NOT my granddaughter..Woman
I am committed to converting the body of material I’ve been learning in the SNCC bootcamp to success beyond my wildest dreams in my business life.
Fiona Stolze
Inspired Art and Living
Discipline, persistence, it’s all important. GREAT list of 3 things to keep in mind to moving forward Ann. I will do this to get my book proposal for “Designing a Slow Home” done and to a publisher, then finish writing the book, then the 1st product. As always, you are an inspiration, thank you!
Timely post. Seth Godin talks about the dip. The period following the great idea in which you have to implement. That’s where you fin if you’re truly committed to what you want.
Hi Ann, Thank you for suggesting these three “fish or cut bait” tactics for capturing the enthusiasm of a new beginning. Your list is short & sweet, clear & easy to implement, and aims simply at FOCUS & DISCIPLINE. I’m probably typical, having a welter of hazy “to dos” and too little focus & discipline to manage all of them to my best. I experience this “new beginning” enthusiasm continually throughout the year, not just in January, and your timely advice will help me pare and prioritize my ambitions to a more effective level. Name one thing I’ll do? Start Vlogging!
Thanks, Ann 🙂 January was actually an “action” month for me with my workshops, membership site and the Social Media & Sales Telesummit. ALL were launched in January 2011 -Yay! Now it is about refining, promoting, expanding…I think 2011 will be ab fab 🙂
Brandy Mychals
Communications Coach
Creator of Split Second Perceptions
The ONE thing I am going to CONVERT to my success is finding the right in-home care and support system for my youngest daughter. Have realized I cannot do it alone – even w/my husband. We are not trained to deal with her severe emotional issues, but we do not want to “send her away” which we could easily do. She needs our unconditional love. I thought for the past 8 years, “It will get better” but it’s not. So, on the personal side, that is my HUGE goal.
Thanks for your post, Ann. As usual, good suggestion. I plan to spend 1-2 hours each day calling prospective buyers in hospital gift shops…