I believe in delegation; it’s critical for success and I have learned some lessons as a leader and business owner over the years! Here are some tips to think about when you delegate:

1-delegate to people that can create and think. Honestly, if you have to do all the thinking and creating, then you are pretty much doing the work! If you can hand off a project on a high level with clear expectations to someone that can take initiative, problem solve, and create and think for you- BAM!

2-hire people by the project, not the hour. I hire by the project. I always felt cheated when I hired by the hour. We always know we can do it faster, better, quicker, easier ourselves, right? That’s the whole thing about delegation. And if I thought to myself I could do it in 30 minutes and they charge me an hour‑and-a-half or two hours for it, it’s like “Dang!” There’s that feeling in the back of your head and yeah, it doesn’t feel good. People get better over time. They get faster at it. It takes so much time to do it but I’ve just learned that when I say to people, “This is the project. I’m willing to pay you this much a week or this much a month to do it. And whether it takes you 25 hours or whether it takes you five, I’m going to pay you the same.” And what I have found is that motivates people to get smart fast versus just do the work.

3-REPLACE the time you took doing that project with something new that will help increase revenue into your business. Is it a new program for customers to buy? Maybe you need to spend more time marketing? Whatever it is, don’t just sit and “watch” them doing it.


Most of my clients that are “stuck” bringing in more money to their business are not delegating. Is it time for you?

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”