I have been writing a series on knowing your value and owning your worth. Honestly, this was the BEST piece of advice ever given to me, but the road to doing it was not easy. I can, if interested, talk about the market, your product or service, your target market and pricing based on those things, but I think many of us have heard that before. Here are three things I had to really work on to know and charge my worth.

1-my self esteem. Self-esteem, simply put, is the relationship you have with YOURSELF. It is how you think and FEEL about  the things you say and do. What you charge is based on this. What I realized early on was I did not have SELF-esteem and had OTHER esteem. I depended on others to tell me if what I was doing was good; I needed their opinions, and most devastating to knowing my worth, I needed their approval.

2-my values: Looking at my values was incredibly important to knowing my worth. Without critically looking at my values about relationships, helping others, being in business, service, etc. I really struggled with what I charged. We often think we know what we value, but without a clear VISION of our lives and success it is difficult to measure if your values align or need to change.

3-the stories of my past that impacted my present: I realized that I grew up trained to “love a sale”, that “everything goes on sale”, that if it’s “meant to be it will be discounted”, or “it’s just too expensive”. Changing that story was critical. I had to literally take the time to rewrite it.


Now I still believe as a business woman that there are ways and price points to introduce people to what you have to offer, BUT (and yes this is a big BUT!) you have to be strategic about HOW you are doing that, and have a plan for the increases/special offers/discounts/sales. If you are just starting at a lower price point because you told yourself you are “new in the market” you probably need to work on the three things above. If you constantly set a price and did not plan to discount or sale in the price setting session you planned, then you also probably need to work on the three things above.


Ok, I could go on and on! Work on knowing your worth. You are worth it.

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”