If you, like me, believe in “givers gain” you follow that mentality in your social media marketing strategy. One challenge of social media is it’s INBOUND marketing- they OPT-IN- and based on that strategy, facebook terms of service does not allow you to collect “data” without clear and explicit consent. That means you cannot go get their email off their profile and load it in your newsletter, or use an app (which many unethical people will build you one) to capture their email when they “LIKE” your page without telling them. This has always been a challenge for me, because I KNOW people are interested.
So I have worked to find a way to ASK for people to OPT-IN to my newsletter thru facebook and offer a gift in the true “givers gain” mindset. The results have been fabulous! Watch this video for more:
This is exciting news because all research points to the fact that your newsletter is an outstanding way to convert customers more quickly. I believe it’s important to offer value, be transparent, and to be HONEST. Michael can easily create a branded app for you as well. He is great to work with and created a fabulous price point based on my relationship with him! (Rockstar!) I am thrilled with our partnership to offer those I know his services.
I think the key of people opting in to your newsletter form your app is to:
- give something that is packed full of info,
- make sure it is relative to your potential customers needs,
- and is EXCLUSIVE (not already in your newsletter or on youtube).
Have questions about what you might “GIVE” that would be of value in your app? Ask me here. Happy to help!
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
Hi Ann,
Very cool – I have this set up on one of my FB pages and love it. Need to add it to a few others…I think it is fabulous that you not only shared the why behind it but provided a solution for how to make it happen and a great price too. I checked yours out and it looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing…
Brandy 🙂
Very cool app! Thanks Ann and Michael for such a great deal:) As I work my way through it all, I will have to figure out what I can “give” to add value. I love that you share these great ideas, but also alert us to what is going on behind the scenes, as many of us aren’t “in the know”, and might easily get caught up in doing something not ethical…and breaking rules! I was wondering why I was getting some of these weird emails and offers….and now I know. Thanks again….for everything!
Very helpful.
That’s is wickedly cool and a great go-give to clients as well as visitors. Michael will be getting a call from me. I see many uses for this for my tutoring biz as well as SNCC. Great that you shared this with us. Many thanks!
Hi Laurie. Glad you liked Ann’s post. She’s the bomb, right?! I’ve actually owned one of the region’s most successful tutoring companies, so supplemental education is near and dear to my heart. Feel free to reach me at your convenience, even if you just want to kick around ideas. – Michael
I am going on vacation next week, but it’s on my list of things to do. Cool that you were in the tutoring biz. I have 3 bizzes related to tutoring. Plus I am a licensed SNCC coach and a network leader of a brand new in person networking national group in my part of S. California.
This is so interesting to read/see, and I’m particularly glad because for a while I was hearing people say that newsletters were “dead” – too old fashioned. But I like getting things in my mailbox (things I actually want and ask for), and they stand out from the rush of info on other Social Media sites. I’ve never tried to take people’s e-mails inappropriately, but I’m not sure I knew there were so many rules to start with! Appreciate the guidance of what not to do as well as being pointed in the right direction.
Judy Stone-Goldman
The Reflective Writer
Hi. Michael Clark here. This was a fun project, and I’ve gotten so many ideas and compliments. Thank you, Ann, for sharing your business and your vision with me. I know how hard it can be to turn “your baby” over to someone who’s not your identical twin. Thanks for the trust and the freedom to get a little creative.
It’s always a blast working with entrepreneurs, marketers, and business owners. To Ann’s friends, fans, and followers:
You’re welcome to call me at 916.538.1792, if you’d like to talk.
This is why I am excited about our partnership @thinman you get relationship building and happy customers!
Relationship building and happy customers are good to get, @AnnEvanston:twitter !
A lot to think about…this is different than the strategy I asked you about, Ann, and I think more appealing to anyone who would be interested. I am not sure I have a solid idea of how we would use this, though…what would be of value from us that could really be of interest to people that is separate from our blogs, our website, our articles, and other marketing materials. Could use some inspiration!
@Donnamccord I totally agree that you have to find a give that fits. You really only want local people opted in- that’s the first point. So what about some kind of “loyalty program early adopter bonus”? Thinking out loud here…
Hmmmm….a good starting point…too late now for my brain to wrap around, but tomorrow I am hoping to find a patch of time to concentrate on some strategies…will see if I can develop this thought more…thank you!
Michael is really creative too- might give him a call- his number is in the comments- he helped me figure it out!
Yep! And brainstorming is fun (and free)! Hit me up. I approach things organically, from the context of your business, market, customers, etc. Not from the technology or design. Tech and design is easy to do once you’ve got something compelling to offer your customers. Unearthing that is where much of the heavy lifting is. Share the load, I’m happy to help! – Michael
I’ve been slow to the punch on getting a opt-in on my Facebook pages. Thanks for the reminder and the info on a resource that can help me get it done! AD
I just had to log out of FB so I could see what it looked like on your page. Very cool – I struggle with what I would offer, so I’ve put it off, being a little Scarlet O’Hara-ish. It is surprising to me the number of people who think it’s ok to nab your email address when you have not opted in AND people teaching you to do that, yikes!
Ok, well I just figured out that I didn’t actually have to log out…
I really like this idea. I’ve resisted doing a newsletter as “one more thing” I have to do in addition to my postings on FB, Twitter and blog postings. And I’m not sure what I could offer that I haven’t already given on one of those as a free gift that would be really valuable. Right now the idea just seems overwhelming but I really like it. How’s that for a dilemma!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
resisting a way to “follow up” is like resisting a way to make more money….
While I have a “welcome” landing page that cheekily requests the LIKE, I thought the opt in wouldn’t really apply to my business. I seriously reconsidering that. My resistance, on one level, is like Susan’s. I have a newsletter strategy, but I am stumped quite often by what I am going to send out. I now have a lot more ideas bouncing in my head. Time to get them on paper and go for it!
Jillian Todd Portrait Couture
resisting an “optin” or newsletter is like resisting making more money…
Exactly!! I have learned a TON from you about resisting and following the program. Letting go of LBs and going for it. Lots of changes around here!
Exactly!! I have learned a TON from you about resisting and following the program. Letting go of LBs and going for it. Lots of changes around here!
I love this and it’s on my to-do list. It’s a bit out of my price range right now and since I’m still working on moving things around and changing things up, it wouldn’t be the right time yet. I hope to change that soon. Like some of the others, I, too, struggle with what to give. I have several ideas, but haven’t narrowed it down to just one as being strong enough to encourage people to opt-in. It’s a big work in progress for me this summer.
Michael here again! I see that there are lots of folks struggling with what to offer for the opt-in, and thought I’d offer my impressions from the perspective of someone who actually lives to help entrepreneurs and businesses share what hey have to offer with their audiences.
One of the most powerful gives I can potentially receive is an hour of your time. If you offer a service, that’s worth its weight in gold to me, as a consumer of that service. No strings attached, one solid hour in the context of your excellence. I’d click that button!If you offer products, then maybe you could offer a specially crafted product, or one that’s only available to paying customers, and is not available for free in any other way. Let me know it’s special.
If I’m spending any amount of time checking you out online, something got me there. I might stick around just long enough for you to enchant me into opting in. The ethical opt-in is a simple, easy way to tell me: “Hi. Welcome. I value your time and effort. And your email address. Give it to me and have this in thanks.” Works like a charm when you mean it. Falls like a brick when you don’t. To me, that’s the essence of Ann’s ‘go giver’ thing.
Ann’s masterful at engaging us on a level that we sense she’s not simply phoning it in; we feel she’s truly creating something from a thoughtful, skilled, and creative place. You don’t get a sense that she’s over-thought how to share or that she’s not confident in what she shares and how she shares it.
Having done this for a number of entrepreneurs and business owners, it’s always great to see them crest the next rise and come up with some wonderful little something that further extends the very essence of who they are to their intended audience. I learn from each and every one.
Thanks for letting me share!
Love the tips and your mentality of not aggressively seeking out people to like your page. More of a farming mentality which works for me and helps develop longer lasting relationships.
Great idea Ann about offering something unique and informative in exchange for them opting in. I think that people get SO many emails, etc. that they are often hesitant to opt in to yet one more. However, in offering your video you are instantly giving them reassurance that they’ve made a good decision and find value in your newsletter.
And what a wonderful package that Michael has offered! That’s awesome!
As always, your post is making my mind turn and is creating more fun stuff for me to work on. 🙂
Lisa Vitale
Hi Ann,
Thanks for encouraging us to implement your “go-giver” strategy everywhere we go. It becomes a valuable habit — a “reflex” in the best sense: we automatically do something that’s beneficial, and we understand why it’s good to act this way. BTW, I didn’t realize that collecting an email address violates FB’s Terms of Service. What else should we know about before our account gets de-activated?
I already send a bi-weekly newsletter, and many subscribers tell me they enjoy receiving it. But I don’t know how many lead to an engagement. Need to work on it, and in it, so I’m looking forward to next Wednesday’s chat. In the meantime, I’ll contact Michael.
This is so aweosme and Michael I shall be contacting you as funds become available. I know exactly what I will give – just need the cash to do. Thanks Ann for getting this into play for all of us! Just what I need to move my SNCC forward.
Louise Edington
Fabulous and Fearless
I struggled with what to offer as my opt-in and finally have decided to offer a paper, “how to achieve forgiveness.” As I’m about healing emotional pain, forgiveness fits nicely into that, as once achieved, it brings great freedom from emotional pain. At least, that’s been my experience. I had thought of offering a printable image, yet that doesn’t further my message that emotional healing is possible. Sharing how I got to forgiveness feels so “right.”
Carolyn CJ Jones
Author, Photographer “Opening the Gates of the Heart: A Journey of Healing”
AWESOME CJ! Love the idea! And Michael @thinman can make you one with some tabs like mine that could also show how to buy the book and some of your photos if you wanted. You know how to connect with him yes?
Ann is right. Michael is easy to work with and a great bargain. I’m just about complete with my opt-in gift. (I know, Ann, it takes me awhile but I did get it done! Thanks to you and our 30 minutes/30 day writing challenge!) My app for my Facebook page is just about ready to launch. Thank you for sharing your great resources!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth