Three weeks into this 30 day writing challenge and I noticed a huge shift in my writing from day 14. My focus has clarified into writing I need to do for my business. I have written presentation copy, sales copy, marketing copy, newsletter copy. I have always put this stuff off, telling myself lies (oh geez, loose a piece of me when I do that, remember what a wrote a few weeks ago!)that I had enough for now, or that other things I’m working on were more important.
But, this 30 minutes a day has carved out a sacred space that gives me permission to write. It gives me the space to add new copy into my business, to write things that have been on this list, but not getting done, because I could always make an excuse not to do it.
And yes, I have a successful business, the things I do and have done, work. Imagine though, having new gifts to give, new eBooks to sell, blog posts that don’t feel strained to write, fresh marketing content? I realized today why Dan Kennedy writes for one hour every day, even on the day of his mother’s funeral:
- Because writing feeds the business
- Because writing nurtures who you are
- Because writing comforts you
- Because writing cleanses you
- Because when your business is thriving, your family has the best of you.
I feel that Dan knows that not writing can create a cycle back to things we don’t want in life. So there is never an excuse for him not to do it. It only takes one day. I am also confident his mother was proud that he did write that day.
So I have decided that the30 day challenge will continue for me, EVERY30 days. I have even (through my writing every day!) created a “30 days writing challenge newsletter.” 30 days of inspiration sent to you if you join me. Official challenges will start the first of every month, but you are welcome to join any day that fits for YOU.
Sign up is on my facebook pages, under “The Challenge” tab.
Will you be a part of the challenge?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I can hear a change in your voice, Ann, just as you are talking about it…profound! I look forward to jumping in on 9/1. I didn’t know that Dan wrote an hour a day – that is serious commitment. 🙂 I agree with all your points about writing and the one I love the most is that it “feeds your business.” Blogging has been a powerful source of inspiration in my business and a great way to develop and test content. Thank you for providing another way to encourage us to do this!
Inspiring, thoughtful, motivating. Those are my comments.Simple, to the point and informative. I will check out the Challenge tab. I love to write – I seem to be able to say things on paper that don’t always come out correctly verbally. Maybe I’m too scared to say the words. Thinking about a blog post for next week about something very personal. Maybe I shouldn’t overthink it and just do it.
I love it, Ann! The change this simple habit has brought to my life is amazing. I look at everything I do different, because who knows – there may be something to write about. My facebook and blog followers have sent me emails, telling me how much they enjoy what I’m doing. And my client sign ups have increased. I will definitely be continuing this with you! Thanks for the motivation!
Sharon Hiebing
Relocate Without Rose-Colored Glasses
Wow there is nothing like commitment. When we are moved from within to do something there is no stopping us. Everything you give you will receive in return so just know that all the wonderful content you are putting into the world for others to utilize, be inspired by is coming back to you although you dont get to determine what that is thats coming back. I love what you said about a sacred 30 min. a day. Reminds me of my sacred time in the morning sometimes real early like 2 am today, but to awaken when called and commit to that moment to let your passion flow is something to be cherished. So glad this is unfolding in a powerful way for you. So glad I found you.
I agree with Brandy. I can see a huge difference in your voice too. Your writing speaks differently now that you do it from a sacred space. Getting beyond the excuses and just focussing can brings about huge shifts.
For me the writing nurtures who I am most definitely. It’s almost as important as breathing…a day without writing feels incomplete.
Fiona Stolze
Loving and Living to Inspire
I just have to say, from a “selfish” standpoint, I’m really glad you did this 30 day challenge. I didn’t know this was something I needed or wanted to do, but somehow when you threw it out there, a voice in my head said, “yes, that is a good idea.” I don’t even remember what I wrote the first day, but the 2nd day, I started a journal, something I hadn’t done since Jr. High School and something I had been “threatening” to do for the past 15-20 years. Sure, I’ve been journaling in scrapbooks for years, but that doesn’t cover everything. Sometimes it’s entirely personal, sometimes it’s entirely business, but more often than not, it’s been a combination of both serving to clarify and direct my actions.
I love this challenge. It’s helping me to focus. I’m seeing more ways I can write about things that tie to my business. I love sharing this all with my fellow bloggers. It’s a rich community with rich rewards!
Julieanne Case
Always from the heart!
Blog: www.julieannecasefromtheheart….
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Thank you, thank you for saying that your writing has morphed into writing for your business. That has happened for me too and I was beginning to think that I needed to go back to “the other” kind of writing. Maybe there will be days when stream of consciousness or personal writing will be what’s called for but I’m actually loving writing for my business. It feels so good when I’m done. And I think my next order of business is that “give-away” for signing up for my yet to be launched newsletter. This never would have happened without the 30 day challenger. So, yes, I signed up for the new newsletter. I’m ready to be inspired!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Thank you, thank you for saying that your writing has morphed into writing for your business. That has happened for me too and I was beginning to think that I needed to go back to “the other” kind of writing. Maybe there will be days when stream of consciousness or personal writing will be what’s called for but I’m actually loving writing for my business. It feels so good when I’m done. And I think my next order of business is that “give-away” for signing up for my yet to be launched newsletter. This never would have happened without the 30 day challenger. So, yes, I signed up for the new newsletter. I’m ready to be inspired!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Thank you, thank you for saying that your writing has morphed into writing for your business. That has happened for me too and I was beginning to think that I needed to go back to “the other” kind of writing. Maybe there will be days when stream of consciousness or personal writing will be what’s called for but I’m actually loving writing for my business. It feels so good when I’m done. And I think my next order of business is that “give-away” for signing up for my yet
to be launched newsletter. This never would have happened without the 30 day challenger. So, yes, I signed up for the new newsletter. I’m ready to be inspired!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
I love to write and had always been an avid journal writer every night before I went to bed. But as I have become older and busier, I have let that habit slide. The reasons I used to write so much were for the same reasons you stated you enjoy it except for “it feeds the business” since I didn’t have a business back then. I agree with that statement now. I have always wanted to be a “writer” and have even started a few books, but never completed. I know that someday I will write a book, perhaps more than one. Writing 30 minutes every day might be just what I need to get it started.
Writing has always been my passion and I have tons of notebooks holding pages of journaling over the last 20+ years that when I die, I am not sure I want people to find!! But over the last year I found that my daily writing was suffering and weeks would go by without it…I could sense the difference in me, my attitude, my peace, etc. but not sure I understood it was because I was not doing what I needed to do. So your writing challenge came at a perfect time; now that I am committed to getting back into my passion daily, I notice how it is helping me and I am grateful! So far my writing has been, for the most part, very reflective and introspective, now becoming a little more philosophical, and I am beginning to think more about writing that I will want to share with others….it’s weird, but have not yet wanted to write anything that would be business related. Maybe that will come as I continue to renew my commitment.
It has been a great thing for me too though I had a few slips (2 days to
be exact) – perhaps starting under Mercury retrograde and back to
school shopping whilst doing the Blogging Intensive was piling it on
myself! But it’s a challenge I intend to continue and I shall be
rewriting all my marketing materials etc in that time also. I do see the
change in you – your writing voice has got more personal and I’m not
sure I want mine to get even more personal lol – so some of my writing
will be purely journalling. I’ll be continuing but I’m glad you are
doing 30 minutes a day not an hour a day!
Louise Edington
Breaking Through Online Frontiers
I heartily agree, and I’ll be continuing, too! Especially like your suggestion that “writing nourishes who you are”. I’ve always enjoyed writing, and like nearly everything else we do, the more we practice the better we get. Over the past three weeks I’ve become better able to reach and express my feelings, with the result that I’m noticing more and presenting it more effectively. I hope.
I’m passionate about how I make a living, so I’m not surprised to be writing a lot about my business. But I’m seeing many sides of my life more clearly these days, and I’m sure they’ll continue to pepper my writing in the coming weeks.
Finally, I’m glad that my writing is getting easier each day, and I’m posting on my blog nearly every other day now.
I’ve joined the challenge again. It’s tough to have time to fit in all of the commitments that I have when I am only in business VERY part time. I’m a mommy first, a wife second, and a business owner third. I’m still trying to find the balance of it all. In trying to get everything done, I’ve noticed that I have very little, if any, time left to do the “income-producing” parts of my business. Setting all of this up will eventually become part of that, but right now, it’s very time-consuming and not ready. Our leaders got to the top without building social media, blogging, etc. My strategy is different since I’m looking at the long-term strength of my organization and the reality of my current network, but need to find a bit more time to focus on the short-term too.
So inspiring Ann to see this reflective side of you coming out. I love how you bring your experiences with you, and add another layer. Your challenge has made me get more accountable which I needed. I learned a few months ago that I need to write daily, since my life purpose is communication. If I had my druthers, I would spend a large part of my days writing. It turns out that habit is all it takes to get better at something. Avoidance is just another habit. Isn”t that fascinating?
Jennifer DucheneThe Home Makeover Mixtress blending lifestyle, laughter and Chic Cocoons™
It sounds like the 30 day challenge has been wonderfully for you business wise and personally. Had you sporadically written over the 30 days the outcome would have been so much less.
You are correct that writing has many perks. I’ve noticed it in the short time that I have been blogging.
I’m going to have to seriously think about joining this challenge!
I will definitely join as soon as i complete the 30 day video challenge. 🙂 I have been experiencing many of the same insights you mention above. It has been powerful for me and my health coaching business to recognize so much of my struggle in making videos is merely the commitment to do it everyday even when i don’t feel like it. It feels great to be sharing insights, tips, inspirations, challenges that people face in living mindfully.
Have you heard of Julia Cameron or Natale Goldberg? They are both inspiring authors/creators that teach about creativity and focus on 30 minutes of writing per day.
Blessings of health,
chris arcucci
Who says a woman can’t cultivate her super powers in a dress?!
I agree with all your points….and althought this has been a real challenge for me, its been good to get things on paper so I don’t forget them, continually filing them away, or clearing out the old making room for the new. I am all over the place. Haven’t been as good at sticking to it as others, nor does it sound that I have gotten the benefits which speaks to why you need to do it daily, be free, be open, be you! Creating the sacred time and space will help. I’m still struggling with the past, the diary, and feeling comfortable….its not about sharing, its about involuntarily sharing…issues! I am working on it…and look forward to making it over the hurdle able to easily write past it all breaking free! Thanks for bringing us on this journey with you, and inspiring me to let it go:)
I agree with all your points….and althought this has been a real challenge for me, its been good to get things on paper so I don’t forget them, continually filing them away, or clearing out the old making room for the new. I am all over the place. Haven’t been as good at sticking to it as others, nor does it sound that I have gotten the benefits which speaks to why you need to do it daily, be free, be open, be you! Creating the sacred time and space will help. I’m still struggling with the past, the diary, and feeling comfortable….its not about sharing, its about involuntarily sharing…issues! I am working on it…and look forward to making it over the hurdle able to easily write past it all breaking free! Thanks for bringing us on this journey with you, and inspiring me to let it go:)
I know I need to write, I have ideas going through my head all day long. But stopping to make a note of that idea, to spend just 30 minutes a day with those thoughts in my head and getting them down on paper/laptop … that is my struggle.
Yvonne Elm Hall
It sounds like the 30 day challenge has been wonderfully for you business wise and personally. Had you sporadically written over the 30 days the outcome would have been so much less.
You are correct that writing has many perks. I’ve noticed it in the short time that I have been blogging.
I’m going to have to seriously think about joining this challenge!
Thank you, thank you for saying that your writing has morphed into writing for your business. That has happened for me too and I was beginning to think that I needed to go back to “the other” kind of writing. Maybe there will be days when stream of consciousness or personal writing will be what’s called for but I’m actually loving writing for my business. It feels so good when I’m done. And I think my next order of business is that “give-away” for signing up for my yet to be launched newsletter. This never would have happened without the 30 day challenger. So, yes, I signed up for the new newsletter. I’m ready to be inspired!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Thank you, thank you for saying that your writing has morphed into writing for your business. That has happened for me too and I was beginning to think that I needed to go back to “the other” kind of writing. Maybe there will be days when stream of consciousness or personal writing will be what’s called for but I’m actually loving writing for my business. It feels so good when I’m done. And I think my next order of business is that “give-away” for signing up for my yet to be launched newsletter. This never would have happened without the 30 day challenger. So, yes, I signed up for the new newsletter. I’m ready to be inspired!
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Ann this sounds amazing like everything you do. I have a huge limiting blief about writer’s block, so I’m joining the challenge for the next 7 days to see what happens and prepare for September.
The 30 days writing challenge has been wonderful in helping me get my blogs started. It’s a way to little by little keep moving forward with goals which writing always took a back seat. I remember how much I enjoyed writing.
I am in a hiatus with my regular writing right now, so this post was especially poignant to read. So much else is going on inside me that I am writing about every day, but not for business. It’s to process a huge shift in my life and I’m clear that it is opening up things in me that will, in fact, turn into new expressions of who I am personally and professionally. So I’m in the energy of this stream, but in a different way at the moment. Good to see how it is working for you, Ann, and taking you beyond barriers that perhaps you didn’t even know were there. As always, I value the fact that you hand us the real scoop from your own life.