Do you really know your voice?

I recently had the honor to meet a woman that took on the 30 day writing challenge in person. We have been “facebook friends”, not super close, but this challenge created a connection. When she signed up for the challenge I went to her profile, realized she was local and said “let’s meet”. I think the universe tells me things, and I always listen.  Beautiful, smart and savvy, we shared our businesses with each other. She asked great questions. We talked a TON about the 30 Day Writing Challenge and what it has meant for each of us. As we spoke I realized that the reason I do what I do, the reason for my book, is even more important.



You cannot see your audience, your market, the people you lead differently than you see yourself. It’s your true voice that will attract them to you.

Since I created the Social Networking Coaching Club in 2008 I have told clients that doing that coaching online (versus a conversation on a call, or in person) is important because they have to learn to communicate in writing. Now I realize the depth of this importance. I realize how hard it is for many to shift their voice to the written word even when they feel they know it vocally. I realize that so many lose who they are as they write their blog posts or facebook marketing tips. I realize that knowing who you are isn’t JUST telling your story, or what happened to you today. It’s about energetically connecting.


And if you don’t learn how to write from that space your online marketing falls flat.


The hardest part is that you often don’t see it in you, but others do. Face it, I bet there are things online that you read and you think to yourself: “Interesting. But so dead.” Other things you read and think: “Interesting. And I’m inspired.” The latter is because the person truly knows who they are and writes in that voice.


I was already planning a major strategy upgrade for The Social Networking Coaching Club this fall; now it’s getting a deeper upgrade. See, SNCC isn’t just about “how to tweet”; it’s about finding your unique and compelling voice.


I am honored to have the hour with this amazing woman that joined the 30 day challenge. And for the gift she and the universe provided me. I know I am supposed to teach this to my clients. I always have. It’s just grown in depth over the years and continues to do so.


Will you join me in the next 30 day challenge? It starts Thursday Sept 1st!

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Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”