I recently had the honor to meet a woman that took on the 30 day writing challenge in person. We have been “facebook friends”, not super close, but this challenge created a connection. When she signed up for the challenge I went to her profile, realized she was local and said “let’s meet”. I think the universe tells me things, and I always listen. Beautiful, smart and savvy, we shared our businesses with each other. She asked great questions. We talked a TON about the 30 Day Writing Challenge and what it has meant for each of us. As we spoke I realized that the reason I do what I do, the reason for my book, is even more important.
You cannot see your audience, your market, the people you lead differently than you see yourself. It’s your true voice that will attract them to you.
Since I created the Social Networking Coaching Club in 2008 I have told clients that doing that coaching online (versus a conversation on a call, or in person) is important because they have to learn to communicate in writing. Now I realize the depth of this importance. I realize how hard it is for many to shift their voice to the written word even when they feel they know it vocally. I realize that so many lose who they are as they write their blog posts or facebook marketing tips. I realize that knowing who you are isn’t JUST telling your story, or what happened to you today. It’s about energetically connecting.
And if you don’t learn how to write from that space your online marketing falls flat.
The hardest part is that you often don’t see it in you, but others do. Face it, I bet there are things online that you read and you think to yourself: “Interesting. But so dead.” Other things you read and think: “Interesting. And I’m inspired.” The latter is because the person truly knows who they are and writes in that voice.
I was already planning a major strategy upgrade for The Social Networking Coaching Club this fall; now it’s getting a deeper upgrade. See, SNCC isn’t just about “how to tweet”; it’s about finding your unique and compelling voice.
I am honored to have the hour with this amazing woman that joined the 30 day challenge. And for the gift she and the universe provided me. I know I am supposed to teach this to my clients. I always have. It’s just grown in depth over the years and continues to do so.
Will you join me in the next 30 day challenge? It starts Thursday Sept 1st!
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I’m still learning about my voice and encouraged that I’m on the right (almost typed write!) path by the comments I get. At first I was afraid I was sharing too much of my story and that’s all it really is: a story. Yes, it’s mine, yes it’s true but the attachment to the emotions and feelings that happened to the story have been resolved and dissolved. Yet I know it’s important for others to hear and then maybe they will get the courage to move foreward in their life.
I still have some internal discovery going on but the writing is help me get some clarity. I’ll be redoing the challenge with you! Thanks.
Julieanne Case Always from the heart!
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I feel I have lost my voice a little lately, not so much in my blog posts but in my marketing tips. I am working AGAIN on my target market and crafting MY message as I feel it’s different to yours despite the fact I coach your program. I do love to help others find their voice but for me that is a part of them overcoming fears and limiting beliefs. Thanks for the post and I am so dying to know how SNCC is going to change!
Louise Edington
Breaking Through Online Frontiers
I feel like I’m in the middle of finding my voice and how to truly express myself in connecting with others online and interacting while reading their blog posts. Next step is to find a way to connect with others through my own blog posts. I’m hoping to gain clarity and discover my path to sharing and playing in the online space.
SNCC has been a powerful avenue for me to find my voice, I am so grateful for your guidance. I am ready for the 30 minutes of writing everyday for the rest of my life challenge! I believe making commitments to ourselves and finding the community that will challenge and inspire us is essential to reach our potential and to shift out of old patterns that no longer serve us. Thanks for being a powerful guide on my path in cultivating my voice and expanding my business.
Blessings of health,
chris arcucci
Who says a woman can’t cultivate her super powers in a dress?!
You are speaking my language woman, listening to that voice within, the universe, spirit who cares what we choose to call it its only a word anyway. I so respect those who dare to listen and then follow through. I know I was led to you and continue now to be led by you into this world of SoMe. You and your system have inspired me to be me in a authentic way, much gratitude for bringing this out in me. I am honored and thrilled to be coached by you and look forward to what is unfolding as our relationship grows. I have a few things on my plate that are about to take full priority if you know what I mean so I will not be opting into the writing challenge at this time.
OK, I signed up. These past 30 days have been amazing and I’m not ready to stop. Tomorrow is day 31 I guess. I’m not sure but no matter, I’m going to write anyway. This is life altering. I’m still not sure how it is affecting my blog, but it will show as you have assured me. Thank you for always being such an inspiration to me.
Susan Berland
A Picture’s Worth
Reading this with great interest, examining within myself where this next writing challenge might take me if I commit. I could not do the previous one with certainty–too many intervening events and wasn’t sure where my own writing practice would fit. Perhaps just excuses, but timing is everything, and I find my own excuses fading. I always connect with what you say about us finding our true voice. I find for myself that I can be “with” that voice for a period and then find myself distant somehow. As we change, our voice must move along with us.
Judy Stone-Goldman
The Reflective Writer
Personal-Professional Balance Through Writing
Ok, have to join the challenge to see what all the hoopla is about. I love writing, I seem to be able to reveal a part of myself easier in writing than any other way. I wonder why that is? Playing it safe, perhaps? I love coaching SNCC online – maybe that’s why it’s such a good fit for me.
I have found the 30 day writing challenge very helpful, which is why I’m continuing. I want to make sure the habit is fully developed. Interesting you are mentioning the voice – I think I usually sound like myself and come across the same way I do in person, but I know there are times when it doesn’t quite gel. Probably, the more you write, the more you perfect that (as long as you know who you are to begin with) – another reason to do the writing challenge.
I have found the 30 day writing challenge very helpful, which is why I’m continuing. I want to make sure the habit is fully developed. Interesting you are mentioning the voice – I think I usually sound like myself and come across the same way I do in person, but I know there are times when it doesn’t quite gel. Probably, the more you write, the more you perfect that (as long as you know who you are to begin with) – another reason to do the writing challenge.
This truly was and is a challenge for me, haven’t lived up to its potential and still dealing with issues surrounding the writing it down part…but have learned a lot about myself in the process…..and need to jump in throwing caution to the wind as the rest have done to gain its benefits fully. I am thinking about what you wrote about your voice coming across in our writing online….intersting and makes me think more about what and how I say things….trying to really be me…and not dead flat or boring…just me!
You know Ann I always said the most powerful part of your SNCC program was that it allowed us each to find our own voice and you definitely played a major role in helping me dig mine up. A powerful gift indeed. I think the 30 minutes is so powerful because it has accountability so we cant not do it. I love it that finally I am writing everyday and focused on finding more. I signed up to continue to chapter 2.
Jennifer DucheneThe Home Makeover Mixtress blending lifestyle, laughter and Chic Cocoons™http://LYShome.com
Thanks, Ann.
I agree, your message is important, and we all should re-read it from time to time.
You report a few huge “Aha’s” from your writing challenge. As I understand it, first you’re saying that we see others in terms of how we understand ourselves. And second that we’re attracted to people to the degree that we hear their true voice, just as they seek ours. So finding and using our own voice is crucial.
Similarly, I’m finding the longer I stick to any expressive routine, like this challenge, the greater insight and understanding I develop into myself and my own mission. As you say, it “grows in depth”.
So the goal is always to express myself authentically, with commitment and energy. How I do this depends on how I understand my passion and how I live it. And both will grow deeper over time, especially benefiting from focused activities like this 30-day writing challenge.
The challenge has been a great revelation for me, and I’ll be continuing, on my own. For the next month, I’ve given myself a 30-day video challenge, and I expect similar eye-opening results. Following that, I look forward to this fall’s new strategic SNCC training you keep mentioning.
(Sorry this comment got so long. It sure isn’t your style. I should’ve written a quick blog or made a 60-second video. Next time.)
OMG – it starts on Thursday – where did August go? LOL! I’m ready Ann and so excited to do this with you – Yippee! I so need this…I know I said it last time, but the tone in your posts seems even deeper and more personal to me – love it and totally agree about energetically connecting through social media and being the real you. I love that when Louise Edington and I had a chance to meet it was, “You are exactly what I expected” and we felt like we already knew each other. I’ll be “writing with you” tomorrow! Brandy 🙂
Ever since I started the 30 Day Challenge, I have people, almost daily, commenting on my blogs or emailing me, begging me not to stop at 30 days. What does that say? Definitely have found my voice, and it’s fun!!! Thanks, Ann!
Sharon Hiebing
Relocate Without Rose-Colored Glasses
Your post has me thinking about whether I communicate my voice through my writing. The 30 day writing challenge has challenged me in all kinds of ways…made me question my level of commitment to myself because really it doesn’t affect anyone else if I don’t follow through. And I admire Judy’s restraint in not committing because she knew she had too much on her plate. Thanks for inviting me on the journey…
Devoted to finding all things delicious.
Funny that our convo yesterday touched on this exact thing — that once I found my voice and began speaking online as my true and authentic self … that’s when it all came together for me. I felt comfortable. I was attracting like minded people effortlessly and forming amazing relationships. But this all happened because of YOU. I was on SoMe before but that person wasn’t really me. It was a reserved, cautious me. I don’t like her as well;)
Yvonne Elm Hall
What a great way to challenge yourself and those around you! Your dedication is admirable. Writing can be effortless at times and at times the most challenging thing I’ve done! But what a great way to be able to have your say and be heard through the word 🙂
As I am at the beginning of my blogging journey, this post is so relevant for me. Writing is definitely a muscle that needs to be flexed. When I was young I used to write everyday and I really enjoyed it. But somewhere along the line I got out of the habit. It’s time to get back into the groove and a 30 writing challenge is just the ticket! Another GREAT idea Ann. Thanks!
I’m often told that I write like I talk. I love to tell/write stories… it’s in my genes (if you’d ever met anyone on my dad’s side of the family, you’d know what I’m talking about). Where I continue to struggle is in knowing my voice in either of those mediums. I’ve always played a role. I’m working on figuring out who I am. There are things I’d love to write/say, but I still worry about what others might think. I don’t know that I will ever stop worrying about that.
Once upon a time I used to write every morning and love it. Then we moved and I lost my favorite chair and my favorite writing spot and the habit. As I read this and got to the sign up everything in me was saying – “not now, no time, you don’t need another commitment”. With that being said, I’m going to go for it. If not now, when?
Thanks for the push/pull/kick in the pants.