I had an interesting experience when it comes to practicing “givers grow” as a small business owner. I am at a place in my career with the development of things to achieve where I need a coach. This has been something I have thought about doing many times in the past; I just wasn’t ready!

For years, one particular coach has been recommended to me by clients and friends. This woman is obviously smart and savvy and gets results for her customers. Every time I see her at events she tells me I need to achieve this goal for my career, and she’s the one to help me. I look at her website, and I can see that she does EXACTLY what I need. I have talked to her about my struggles and limiting beliefs around this goal at parties and networking events and she always looks at me wide-eyed and says she can’t wait to help me. And I have walked away, not ready.

Recently,  I was at a conference and another woman who does the exact same type of work was there. I walked up to this woman’s booth, and we started talking. I shared with her my desire and goal and that I felt like I needed some help. She immediately asked me about five questions and then offered me a “givers grow” idea. She suggested a powerful next step that actually excited me and motivated me and made it easy for me to keep moving forward before I ever considered hiring her.

About an hour later the other woman, whom I’ve known for years, appeared and we started to talk. She knows now that I am trying to achieve this goal in my business. And again, wide eyed, she looked at me and said, “I can’t wait to work with you.”

I have to tell you right now I am more motivated and more excited to give my money to this woman I just met who offered me help without payment over the woman I’ve known for years who I know gets tremendous results. Do you know why?

Do you practice the “givers grow” model in your business? Do you look for ways to offer help to people before they ever pay you? Do you realize that you remain on the hearts and minds of potential customers when you do?


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”