This has been my screensaver!

I finished my book today! Well, the manuscript! It’s off to the publisher for the next phase of analyzing, fine-tuning, and perfecting those words on paper.

Some of you have been with me on this journey of writing. Last fall I started a personal 30 day writing challenge. I wrote every morning for 30 minutes whether I wanted to or not! That writing led to the self-discovery of why I have not published my own book yet.

Yes, I know there will be critics of my book. Of all kinds. Some would say the first level of critic will start in this next phase with the publisher. My guess? Critics will be everywhere, heck they always are huh?

 I am publishing with a company called Our Little Books. I am confident some will say I didn’t not write a REAL book! So what if it’s only 8000 words! It’s thoughtful, provocative, and something that I have talked and believed in from many, many years of my work. 

This book for me will lead to a series of books. It has allowed me to take my formula, clearly define what I do by writing this first book, and apply it to other situations in the world. As a matter of fact, I am already using it while I speak again (Did “The Influence Factor in Social Media” last week- rav reviews! That will be one of the future books for sure!). This is helping me help my clients like I used to in the old days! I truly owe that to this process.

I cannot say enough about the 30 day writing challenge. Now this idea came from Dan Kennedy who writes every day for an hour. I continuously meet and work with clients in my one on ones, who struggle with getting content out. If they would just write for 30 minutes a day, I think they’d be blown away. Honestly, without that, I am not sure I’d be saying I wrote a book.

I believe they would find the power of their voice. They would discover that they have quality content to post in social media regularly. They would realize how influential they are when they just get down and write from their heart. They would develop the Influence Factor, and increase success in so many ways.

Every person I interviewed for my book writes regularly! Now doesn’t that say something about how to create influence in your life? It definitely worked for me! Now it’s time to go celebrate that manuscript.

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”