I’d had an epiphany recently as a coach about my coaching programs. Might be simple to most, but for me it was a big ah-ha.

See, there are three kinds of people out there:

  1. Those self disciplined enough to do the work and actually finish it. These people learn it, run with it and make it happen. They are great in high level coaching or training programs, because they will, after the session, get it done (whatever get is done is).
  2. Those that need the accountability to get the work done, then you do it. These are people who need the “swift kick” if you will! They need a coach that will hold them accountable to the work. they are great when they cannot “do the next thing” unless they get the first thing done.
  3. Those that need someone to walk them through it, do it with them. They need hand holding, they need a guide and teacher with them, showing them until it is complete.  They are best in a structured environment with a coach that works with them to get it done.

But that isn’t the epiphany. That is the fact that MOST people are not in the first or second groups, most are in the third. And I am in the first. So most of my coaching programs are designed for people in the first. And if you are in the second or the third group, you do not finish it. I also think many coaches I observe are like me, in the first, and design programs for people in the first.

I once had a woman call me, frustrated and overwhelmed. She had spent over $45,000 in three big coaching program (names I PROMISE most of you would know) showed me the site below and said: “They promised me I’d get everything set up and ready for my business and this is all I have to show for it.”


her website after three big packages

I even spoke with other coaches, their response: “Isn’t it her responsibility to do the work? We can’t do it all for them.” See? Coaches who are in the first group! So I have decided that this needs to be how I work with client, determining THIS first, then suggesting the right program. It also means that I need to re-design my programs to offer this. It also means that people in the third group will pay more than people in the first group. Doesn’t seem fair? Well, their program requires much more of my time.

So what is the take away for you? You need to get real about which group you are in. And when you look for programs to “help” you, make sure they fit who you are. Or chances you will just sign up for the program, thinking you will get hand holding, and it isn’t designed that way.

Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by About.com, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”