It is time get away from the phrase; “live their dreams”, or ANY version of it in your marketing (“make your dreams come true”– “dream wedding” –“dream body” –blah,blah,blah!!). It’s so generic and over used ! There is NOTHING Bad-Assery about “I teach people how to live their dreams.” I also believe when people are disillusioned, lost, frustrated with their lives, the government, their jobs, etc… telling them you can show them how to live their dreams does not inspire them to work with you!
It is time to step to the next level based on your brand and TRIBE and really help them see what you can do for them.
Ask yourself:
1- Who is it I am CALLED to work for/with and what is it they really want?
2- What is it I do that helps them define dream, or have a great body, or be happier?
3- What do I do that makes me unique in my industry?
4- When I say: “live your dreams” what am I REALLY doing for my client/customer?
See, I can say: “I teach women entrepreneurs how to have their dream business.”
I can say: “I teach high-achieving women business owners how to step up, step out and achieve higher levels of success by discovering their true potential and building unique and compelling story that calls their TRIBE.”
Oh yeah, I know some negative nellies out there are thinking it’s still generic…but you are NOT my TRIBE 😉
The second gets people to say things like this when I pre-qualify them as a potential coaching client: “Your presentation touched home, it was like you were speaking directly to me and I thought – that’s what I need. I have always been a self-fixer. If there was a problem, adapt-improvise-overcome. So I’m here.”
In one session we moved away from generic, bland, blah, blah, blah…and this client is JAZZED. Am I helping someone live their dreams – sure…but don’t sell dreams!
Where do you need to step away from generic “live their dreams” language in your marketing?
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I am struggling to answer the first part of question 1…who is it I am called to work for/with…I thought I knew and I spent the last 11 years doing what I felt called to do but now I don’t know anymore. Is it just menopause or am I losing my mind?
I once thought I knew too- but I was trying to please everyone instead of call who I am meant to serve.
I love this. When some one writes “live the life of your dreams. ” I immediately don’t trust them. They don’t even know my dreams.