Productivity: I am so much more productive when have so too much shit to do (yeah, get over it, I said the S word! If you are offended, just go check this out instead…giggles)! Are you like this? When I have very little to do, I cannot get going. I don’t do productive things like write every day. Yes writing is very productive, have you done my 30 day writing challenge yet? When I write, my blog gets posted. When I write new cool things go out to my newsletter list. When I write I create new programs.
When I am busy, the Warrior is ALIVE. Remember a Warrior chooses their missions and fates. So your warrior is alive when you have so much shit to do that YOU CHOOSE to do. Oh yeah, that is YUMMY as my friend Tambra Harck is famous for saying. ( Just had a moment of silence, as I embrace this realization even for myself.) Crazy part? When I have so much to do that I CHOOSE, the stuff I don’t isn’t so bad either. Sometimes even that stuff is completely off the table!!
The hard part for many is getting to a place where you CHOOSE, even as a leader, mother or business owner. To CHOOSE means your productivity goes up. Think about it. Ever get up and think to yourself: “oh geez, I have so much to do today, I will never get it all done.” How’s your productivity that day? Miserable? Exhausting? Draining? Frustrating? Thinking about what you do every day as a choice, versus a have to, or something that just kills the time. Could you feel differently if you said “I CHOOSE” instead of “I have to”?
Would your productivity increase if you did? Guess you will never know if you just thought “no”.
Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
I agree 100%. That’s a potent distinction, between “I CHOOSE TO” and “I HAVE TO”.
One of my favorite thoughts: “When you delegate jobs that absolutely MUST be done, go to the busiest people you know.” Busy people are already in that CHOOSE mindset — they WANT to be productive. They know how to prioritize and take action.
That makes sense now when I look back. When I stop my additional project jobs, I wander around aimlessly sometimes when I still have stuff to do. But because I didn’t have tons to do, where I could choose, it doesn’t get done! Nice to be aware of this!
Candace Davenport
Little Books with a Big Message
There’s so much more energy behind “I choose”. And if you’re contrarian like me, thinking “i have to” makes me want to not do it.