story (2)What holds you back from your unlimited space and potential? At my monthly Warrior Women Wine and Wisdom event I asked this question as it’s been on my mind a TON lately. So much so I even wrote my guest blog at Showcasing Women about it, and here I am writing about it again! (Yes, the article over there is completely different and I will be expanding there over the next three months about the points I share….so it might be worth checking out if curious!)

After an amazing blind wine tasting and food, I asked the women: “What holds you back from YOUR unlimited space and potential?”

We spent hours digging deep. Getting real. Sharing the story.

Yeah…the story. The story we tell OURSELVES.

In my book, The Influence Factor, I talk about how important rewriting the story, even the LIES we tell ourselves, is to stepping into our most influential voice. At this event I heard, over and over, the stories…the lies…we can tell ourselves that we allow to LIMIT what we are capable of.

It is AMAZING how we can tell ourselves that people needs us so much, that we stay stuck. (WAIT…wouldn’t we be of greater service to them if we stepped into our unlimited potential?)

Or that they might leave us if we do. (WAIT…if they are truly a part of your support network, wouldn’t they cheer you on and support unconditionally?)

Or that they will hate us or leave us if we….(WAIT…oh geez, you get the point right?)

Maybe you don’t. Maybe you are saying right now…”YEAHBUTANNNNNNNNNNN!!!”

Stop…change that story. NOW.

Your unlimited space and potential is only limited by YOU.


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”