basasseryBecoming your Bad-Assery self is hard work! Being The Elite in your business and industry is really hard work! I think I gave all my energy to my clients this week. All my creative energy, all my emotional energy, all my cheerleader energy, all my teacher energy.  Like…ALLLLLL. Going through the process of stepping into your unique influential voice is HARD. And creating the marketing strategy and brand called YOU…whoa…harder.


So the work creates emotions…which is good.


Tears. (Yes, sometimes my clients cry.) Because they are finally seeing their greatness.

Laughter. (Yes of course we laugh in sessions.) Because growing is sometimes laughable.

Frustration. (At me? NO never…lolol) Because the work isn’t easy.

Joy. (Joy is bigger than happy, it swells inside.) Because it is finally clicking.

Fear. (Yeah…I know most feel this one.) Because success isn’t something they want to fear anymore.

Tears. (What again with the tears dangit!) Because dangit…they realize how Bad-AsseryTHEY are.


I hear you…thinking….”So what Ann I need to work with YOU to get Bad-Assery? To be The Elite in my industry?” Many of you? No. You’re not ready for what I can give you. (Of course if you think you are, let’s chat and see.) But most of you NEED to be willing to do two things if you want Bad-Assery:


1-Do the WORK. The hard shit, the stuff that you avoid.

2-Feel everything. For Bad-Assery to occur you have to be willing to emotionally connect with the process.

Bad-Assery comes from the willingness to be imperfect and vulnerable. Elite comes from stepping within…not looking outside for the answer.


Want to get started on your own? Then write.  EVERYDAY. If you have no clue why, stay tuned.


Ann M. Evanston is a “Chief Breakthrough Officer” teaching other Business Warriors how to slow down, and find the most unique part of their business that makes them stand out among the crowd. She has been named one of the top marketing consultants by, is a guest blogger for Showcasing Women and takes pride in moving you from “blah, blah, blah” to “BOOM, BOOM. BOOM!”
