Why is it so difficult for us to share our accomplishments? The things that we have achieved and done in life? Is that just a feminine thing or do men struggle with it too? Now that I write that, I realize even my humble yet very accomplished husband struggles with it!
I have achieved so many things in my 20+ years since graduating college (let alone what happened before that!) and in my career that allows me to stand where I stand and yet at the same time I rarely share them! I guess it’s because our culture feels that when we share our accomplishments it is some form of insecurity or calls it “bragging” which is inappropriate? It seems silly to me when our accomplishments are what make us credible and allow us the strength and character to what we do.
For example I started in Toastmasters in the seventh grade ok, yes, that is BEFORE college, but relevant to what I do!! The story as to WY I did is for a different time, but because of that I competed in oratory in high school, and in 1985 spoke on the stage with 10,000 people in the Tacoma Dome with the Rev. Jesse Jackson! Since then, speaking has taken me all over the world! I actually made a choice to slow down the amount of travel and speaking I do because my family and being home mattered to me.
Another interesting little thing about me? I’ve always been good at sales, LOL! My first job was as a waitress, and I worked food service through graduate school. Every upsell contest we would have I was one of the top two performers! And in the 90s I was a speaker for Career track, Fred Pryor Seminars, and National Seminars Groups. And I was in the top 1% of sales speakers in the nation for them.(What we called “BOR”, back-of-room sales…sound familiar in the speaking world these days huh?) Fred Pryor seminars even asked me to teach how to “sell with sizzle” to other speakers!
My ability to teach others to speak and sell comes from a process many would say is “natural” for me. But having it become a system was really the key to teaching and selling it with success. My intuitive ability wasn’t enough…so the accomplishments give me credibility, yet the system is what sells.
Oh my list could go on and on just like yours could, so I’m curious what is something that you’ve achieved, that you should take credit for, that helps you to be successful in your business, that you don’t share?
Right, I do need to brag more. I have many amazing and unusual accomplishments and rarely mention them. Then people find out and tell me how amazing it is. I’m thinking , hmm it’s just this thing I did. . .