own your worthIn my “Creating Confidence and Content” program I am honored to teach people what it means to own your worth. I have a phrase I am known for saying, “stop chasing nickels to make a dime!” I don’t care what kind of business you are in, selling a bar of soap, or a coaching service–> if you are chasing a nickel to make a little bit more money you will never make the money you deserve.

Yes, I said deserve. Not need, not want, deserve. And if you have confidence and you own your worth, you know you deserve it.

I work with several clients who make soap and one assignment I give them to get them to the next level is to write regularly for me. Yes I give all my clients this assignment, my soapers more resistant than others, LOL! Recently, a client who’s been working with me for eight months, had her wake up call. The alarm goes off at 4:30 AM on a cold Saturday morning, and she is rolling out of bed to go to the farmers market to sell her soap. And guess what? (4:30, cold Saturday morning, already a wake up call, got it *wink*) Guess what though? She averages between $100 and $200 at that farmers market.

No you do the math: she gets up at 4:30; so work has started…think about her hourly wage here…she packs her car, she drives to the market, she hauls the stuff to her vendor area, she unpacks it, makes it look pretty, she talks and gets a few dollars and sells few bars, she loads it back up  into her car and drives home 3 PM….or later

To make between $100 and $200. Hmmm….

Now her wake up call was about something else I say ALL THE TIME: “your job is to market and sell. This made her realize why…time IS MONEY. I think when you own your worth, it is easier to say yes to the things that accumulate wealth, versus work almost 12 hours for $100-$200.

What can get in the way from your ability to own your worth?


I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you did not own your worth and it stopped you from achieving something in your business. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) with 3 friends in exchange for payment.