business developmentEvery Thursday I dedicate my time to my personal growth and development and my business development. I avoid all costs scheduling coaching calls on Thursdays so I can focus, stay disciplined and get stuff done.

Honestly I bust my ass on Thursday! LOL I just say that out loud? Yeah, I did. Oh well. You cannot be reading the Warrior-Preneurs blog is you are scared of the word ass!

If you’re like me and dedicate your time to your development and learning, as well as your business growth and development you know how much hard work it is. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.


I think what separates me from many other lifelong learners and their business development are two things:

1- I implement immediately what I am learning.  So Thursday isn’t just about learning new things, I am strategically learning and putting it into practice that SAME day.

2- I know the difference between learning skills sets I need to flourish and learning because I find the subject interesting, or I am “curious.”

And like you I feel frustrated that I don’t get it all done. And at the same time, to have a successful thriving business, it will never be done. There is a ways new content, or old content to update. There is always a new process or system to learn. There is always new technology, and outdated technology as soon as I learn it.

Like I am learning about tele-seminars and webinars and how to integrate them to my email auto responder system so it all runs smoothly and effectively. And honestly, when I go through trying to organize that in my head it hurts!

Sometimes business development hurts! Have to face that if we want to be wildly successful entrepreneurs.

What business development are you taking action on?


I am giving you this great content and it doesn’t cost you a PENNY! At the same time, it isn’t free! Here is what I ask:
#1. I want you to tell me a story about a time when you gave your heart on stage and not one client signed up. Tell me what you changed, and how it helped you. Leave a comment. Share anything you can that you think will benefit the Warrior-Preneur community.
#2. Do you have a friend who you think needs to see this? Someone like a life coach, a social media marketing expert, or anyone that offers products and services? Send them a link to this article.
I’m giving you this valuable information to encourage you to step into your Bad-Assery business success! It doesn’t cost you one single cent, but if you find it valuable I ask that you share it with 3 friends (email, facebook, or your social media choice) in exchange for payment.