You should dream. You should dream really, really big. And then you should
work really hard and do everything in your power to make those dreams

See, action turns dreaming into living your dreams. Action is what makes
your dreams your life not just something out there that you hope for.

I believe there is something between having the dream and putting in the
work to make the dream your life. I believe that is a simple mindset that
highly successful people have that differentiates them from others.

I believe that the people who make their big dreams their life also believe
with every fiber of their being, “it is possible.”

I believe the people who live their biggest dreams also know that “feeling”
cannot get in the way. Feelings like “I’m tired” and “I don’t feel like it
right now” are not allowed to stand in the way of taking action.

You should dream big and then take action and make it happen.