The first element in my book The Influence Factor is all about knowing your truth. You did take the assessment, correct? So now you understand which element you need to most work on? In the book I give you strong information on how to truly know and own your story.

But knowing your truth is more than just your story. Trust me, a story doesn’t have to be something dramatic, or sad. It’s really about understanding who you are and where you come from and why it matters toward your future. It’s about changing the mental chemistry you have engrained into your mind about your life, and transforming it into passion, love, abundance, influence.

Knowing your truth is also about getting honest with yourself. I find with many of my clients they hide from being visible because of this factor, and honestly they’re not even aware they’re doing it![divider style=”7″][optin_box style=”12″ alignment=”center” email_field=”inf_field_Email” email_default=”Enter your email address” integration_type=”infusionsoft” double_optin=”Y” list=”47″ name_field=”inf_field_FirstName” name_default=”Enter your first name” name_required=”Y” action_page=”″][optin_box_hidden][/optin_box_hidden][optin_box_field name=”headline”]Are You Ready to Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs?[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”paragraph”]PHA+RmluZCBvdXQgYWJvdXQgQW5uJ3MgbGltaXRpbmcgYmVsaWVmIGFuZCBob3cgdG8gb3ZlcmNvbWUgeW91cnMgd2l0aCB0aGlzIGZyZWUgYXVkaW8uPC9wPgo=[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”privacy”]We value your privacy and would never spam you[/optin_box_field][optin_box_field name=”top_color”]undefined[/optin_box_field][optin_box_button type=”0″ button_below=”Y”]Get Instant Access![/optin_box_button] [/optin_box][divider style=”8″]So it’s time, get honest. With:

  • what you say you’ll do and what you actually do
  • your unlimited space and potential
  • what you truly are an expert at and what you’re not
  • what matters most in your life and living those values
  • what you need to start saying no to.

It might sound simple, but is it. No. It takes courage and strength to get real with yourself. I have faith warrior.