Yeah, I said it. I can though, because it did it to myself!

When working with creative intuitive entrepreneurs just like you, I put each client through a pre-work assessment. It’s a series of 40 questions (don’t be scared, you will learn a ton about yourself and where your business needs to grow) that allow me to best know where, and how help you.

One of the first questions is; what do you dream about earning in your business? It’s a powerful question to really think about; per day, per month, per year, what is it you really want to bring in?

Later in that same question I ask what you sell and for a cost breakdown. You know what I’m going to say next, right?

The numbers just don’t add up.

Most creative entrepreneurs are killing themselves to make money. I’ve worked with the client whose dream was just to make $5000 a month but she was charging $47 an hour for her very specialized work.

Okay, I know you’re doing the math. And you’re thinking “but Ann, that’s only 100 hours a month! Corporate employees work way more than that!”

True, corporate employees just go do a job and get paid.

Entrepreneurs have to do what they love to get paid and then do the job which is the business. We have to market, and sell, and be visible, and do finances, and scale our business! That’s where the real work comes in. And if you really don’t know what your worth…

OK, you have another choice… hire somebody to do it.

That is why, for me, helping you see your true value, helping you be able to step into a place where you are charging what you’re truly worth matters. I find that most people are only charging $47 an hour because they struggle with owning their worth. In my MasterMind, step 4 is about how to build your brands sales and TRULY step into a price you deserve. Are you ready to earn MORE and feel really great about it?

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