June 8 I made a commitment to getting back in shape. My severe back injury and chronic pain has not gone away by not exercising. So we are back at the gym, 3 times a week, 30 minutes high intensity. I believe when you decide…you DO. So, Biggest Loser style, I am at it (and honestly the last 3 years, I have had little if no real exercise.) On the 5th day in this process we did 15 minute rounds of 50 jump rope, 20 squats, and 50 punches. Then two 6 minute rounds of back and biceps. (Days one through four were not that different!) No excuses no whining, no quitting.

Is it hard? HELL YES.

Was I in pain? (not back pain, exercise pain)HELL YES.

Did I feel light headed? HELL YES.

Did I do what I said I would do? HELL YES.

[Tweet “This mindset is critical for business success. I guess we could call it the HELL YES mindset.”]

LOL! It is really about committing to your plan, even when it is HARD. Trust me, being in business isn’t just about putting out to the world what you love. There is so much more to it. And there will be times when you will think it’s just too hard, it’s painful, maybe even a little light headed!

With my clients, we work on the 5 Fundamentals of a Bad-Assery Business, one of them being “Vision of Self”. Mindset is a big part of this fundamental. Above I talk about training my body. Guess what though, you have to train your mind to change your life. That is why the biggest battle is within. (hell yes!)