The ritual of centering, and creating a sacred space. Such an important part of energizing and creating balance in your life. Every time I have a women’s conference, my MasterMind retreat, or my women’s retreat it’s even more important. These are the “big things” in my work. When I have a group of amazing women showing up, ready to be vulnerable, to step in, reach, and grow, I must have the strength to hold the container.
One obvious centering ritual is just to be sure that I energetically channel what I think is important in the material for those that are showing up. I write each of their names on the cover of the workbook and flip through the pages feeling the vibe and energy. I visualize the energy and breakthroughs that will happen while we are together. I feel laughter and love.
Of course I will be open to possibilities and what needs show up in the room! That’s why this centering ritual is about energy and heart.
Centering also requires that I nurture self.
Painting my nails is one of my favorite! Of course, Earl picked the colors, LOL. I adore the ritual of painting my nails, feeling pretty, feminine and strong. I am even more centered by having someone nurture me in such a simple way by picking colors for my nails. Simply out of love.
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Centering is a powerful way to indulge in your senses, your spirit, and the strength of who you are. It allows me to be more of who I need to be in the world. Sometimes it’s just simple things that create that power.
Do you have simple rituals that encourage you to center?