Paulo Coelho, author of “The Alchemist,” said: “never apologize for being yourself.” For most women I meet, in our hearts this makes perfect sense. Why would you ever apologize for being yourself? Yet, our dirty little mind can mess all of that up!

Have you ever noticed after a conversation where you were authentically you and someone disagreed that you replay it over and over again wondering what you could’ve done differently?

Or you have a fight with your lover espressing your needs, and vowed to never do what happened again?

Or maybe you get looks or comments about the way you’re dressed, and have doubts why you ever thought you could pull that off?

That is your mind apologizing for being yourself. See, you don’t have to apologize out loud. Each time your mind questions your authentic actions, words, and style it is apologizing for you. And that just wears away at your ability to truly be you all the time.

So in becoming unapologetically yourself you have to do some “minds” work. It’s time to stop that stream of thought that does the apologizing for you. Are you ready to make those changes?