by Ann Evanston | Jun 19, 2017 | Women Inspire
This morning I went on the social media hoping to find some inspiration to write my blog. I have been consistently writing three blogs a week and want to keep that momentum going! I’ve been summoned to jury duty so I’m feeling a little uninspired right now. Ideas just weren’t flowing. So instead of giving up on my goal, I looked for a “topic” that would inspire me.
Three hours later and I still haven’t found inspiration for my blog. I got ready to post something on Twitter to see if anybody had done the same thing before with no success! LOL. And then it dawned on me.
I had spent three hours inspired and commenting on people’s posts and comments.
πΌ as a woman shares her dream BBQ design on her deck;Β
πΌ with the funny GIF comments posts that went viral and how they made me laugh thinking of the personalities of the people participating;
πΌ by graduation pictures and proud mommas everywhere;
πΌ as a father and good friend shared a deeply disturbing video of children under ten and what they learn about color;
πΌ go WARRIORS!!!!
πΌ with raw honesty about living with severe pain and struggling to find a positive outcome;
πΌ by my girlfriend whose husband tragically died too young and suddenly, and she can see his energy post life.
I was inspired. You might not always know it, each of you move me some days and in some ways.Β I can only hope I do the same for you!
[Tweet “Everyday YOU inspire me, thank you!”]
If you are a woman looking for inspiration for you heart, mind and soul, join me on my FREE weekly call, just ten minutes once a week! I think you will love it. Sign up for the details here!
by Ann Evanston | Jun 17, 2017 | Relationship
I am always looking for ways we as women connect and find relationship with each other. I recently shared a personal experience on Facebook:
Second mammogram day, although you try not to be nervous it’s hard not to as you go through the process. As they did the x-rays they were very focused on the left booby, yes I think the right was a little jealous, LOL!
Then I was told the doctor also wanted ultrasound. OK great. I am reassured that I will not leave today without having the results. Back in the waiting room. Technician comes out: “the doctor has to do a biopsy so she’s running about 45 minutes behind.”Β
This is when I wished I brought my iPad! LOL but I did find a great hibiscus calming tea to drink.
Finally I meet up with the person doing ultrasound. Of course they have to give you that five minutes to take off your shirt and bra, although they’re gonna be all over your boobs when they return, LOL.
It takes me 20 seconds to undress and get under the sheet. I lay in this dark room, I noticed a clock on the wall and I hear it ticking. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
I chuckle; depending on how you’re feeling it could be quite meditative or completely stressful!
The doctor comes in and right away she says everything looks great she just wants to look at one thing for herself. The boobies are healthy! Of course I had to point out the clock. The technician who did the ultrasound started to laugh she said she always uses that room to take a nap in and now she’ll never be able to sleep in there. And the doctor said we have to change the clock!
If you’ve been through it, you know the crazy emotions you feel. Thanks to all my girlfriends with big boobs and told me everything would be all right, your voices were in my head the entire time!
Boobies. Our boobies connect us!
[Tweet “Boobies and connection with women- powerfully positive!”]
by Ann Evanston | Jun 15, 2017 | Relationship
The end of last week was a great. I had the honor ofΒ facilitating my expertise with a group of people on building their personal power and influential voice. I put 110% of my energy into that relationship. I channel all my intuition into those in the room, reaching in, and SEEING the best parts of them. Tapping into how to challenge them to grow, and creating a safe place to be able to share and learn together.
It was phenomenal. And exhausting! When I do conferences that are several days, I rarely get the time to recharge my energy. I consciously draw on every bit I have left to create success.
Immediately after ending on Friday, Earl and I had drink with friends, at a 10pm concert. Then Saturday we had friends over for drinks in the garden, and I cooked dinner.
Did a mention I am EXHAUSTED? Lol.
By Sunday, I am spent. Used up. Just need rejuvenation at home with my hubby. And he announce we need to go shopping! UGH. I am deflated. Not my best self.
He handled it like a champ. He knew I was drained, and he needed to let my “mood” go. He drove, and handled the responsibility.Β
[Tweet “The best relationships happen when you are conscious about your energy!”]
I made sure the next evening to let him know how much it meant that he led positive energy when I couldn’t. That it would have been easy to sit back and wreck a glorious Sunday. He said: “I knew you were spent babe. Just like when I get too hungry, you carry the energy. It’s my job those days.”
Best relationships happen because we make conscious choices about energy. Me with my class; Earl when I’m spent. Do you choose when needed?
by Ann Evanston | Jun 13, 2017 | Mental Mind Shifts
Work! Damn word. Damn work. Work never ends….does it? OK, well not for me! I WORK on my career. I WORK on sales and marketing. I WORK to make my work better. I WORK out. I WORK at home: preparing meals, gardening, laundry, cleaning…..
I am tired just thinking about all the work!
That is why it is so important my purpose is a part of everything I work on. When my purpose is aligned work isn’t so exhausting. When I feel my purpose the work isn’t so bad.
[Tweet “Purpose is more than picking a career; it’s how you breathe life into everything you do.”]
See, I believe your purpose is more than just picking your career. Purpose is how you live. When you breathe purpose into everything…you feel free.
by Ann Evanston | Jun 11, 2017 | Relationship, Uncategorized
I so enjoy what I do, and my life. I have had a period of eight engagements over about five weeks where I was honored to speak with groups of women about influence, personal power, and self-worth. The greatest compliment I get is how good I am at tapping into each individual and their needs while presenting.
The coolest thing about these dates? All in San Francisco. Yes, “local” for me. That though is not what makes them coolest. It’s the fact that I get to BART (our train/subway system here in the Bay area) with my husband into the city.
Typically I just drop him off at the station, and pick him up at night. These days we chat while waiting for the train, get on and read. This is cool, still not the coolest thing though.
I get off one stop before him. He always gives a kiss and says: “love you babe, have a great day.”
But that’s not the coolest thing.Β
The coolest thing?
No matter what, when I glance back through the window, he is always looking at me…and he waves. It makes my heart swell every time.
That’s the coolest thing.
[Tweet “what’s the coolest thing about your life?”]