by Ann Evanston | Feb 5, 2015 | Business Strategy
You know why you started your own business, correct? I mean, you didn’t start it just to make a few bucks did you? You truly have a passion, a deep desire, a need to do your thing in the world, and get paid to do it, right?
By now you realize that there are things that you may have to do as an entrepreneur that you don’t like doing. For me those are things like automated emails, and writing blogs, and setting up technology. I cannot stand those things! Some days when dealing with them, I want to THROW my hands in the air! Ultimately though I have two choices:
1. I can hire someone to do it for me that loves those things,
2. Or I do them myself.
I know, you heard this before. And your mindset says “Ann, I just cannot afford to hire someone right now to do those things for me. I’m new, struggling and need to hustle to make it happen.”
I totally get it! I have been there. But here is the key to your success while you’re in that phase.
You must be patient with doing the things you don’t like doing because eventually they help organize and leverage what you LOVE doing to make more money with ease. Eventually they become moneymakers for you.
So take a breath. Have patience with yourself and the technology. Give yourself permission to take a break, and give yourself authority to complete the work. You can do it.
Long term this will change your business success. I love in my MasterMind COMPEL. Speak. Sell we work to move out of the “hustle” phase of a business and get to the “earn with ease” phase.
You ready?
by Ann Evanston | Jan 29, 2015 | Business Strategy, Mental Mind Shifts
You should dream. You should dream really, really big. And then you should
work really hard and do everything in your power to make those dreams
See, action turns dreaming into living your dreams. Action is what makes
your dreams your life not just something out there that you hope for.
I believe there is something between having the dream and putting in the
work to make the dream your life. I believe that is a simple mindset that
highly successful people have that differentiates them from others.
I believe that the people who make their big dreams their life also believe
with every fiber of their being, “it is possible.”
I believe the people who live their biggest dreams also know that “feeling”
cannot get in the way. Feelings like “I’m tired” and “I don’t feel like it
right now” are not allowed to stand in the way of taking action.
You should dream big and then take action and make it happen.
by Ann Evanston | Jan 26, 2015 | Influence Factor
There will be days. We’re all going to have them. It’s about how we handle them
How do you handle days like this?
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by Ann Evanston | Jan 22, 2015 | Influence Factor, Leadership, Mental Mind Shifts
What I find is that many entrepreneurs struggle with playing their own game.
They see other entrepreneurs doing things a certain way, and want to be like
them. They observe what they think is highly professional, or engaging, or
even something that might be selling really well and they copy it. Suddenly,
they are playing someone else’s game. And in order to really win, you have
to play your game.
When I was a child, I remember my father teaching me to play chess. When
he’d beat me he’d often say “You were playing my game. In order to be a
winner you need to play your game.” What’s funny is over the years I have
said the same thing to my nephews when playing very simple games.
Too often I watch coaches and leaders of industries teach people how to be
like them. Then they wonder why they struggle and fail in the long run.
Systems and processes are important, yet you still need to be you while you
run those systems and processes.
I get it. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Initially, and while
you’re still discovering the best of who you are, you may imitate someone
else. In the long run though, you have to discover who you truly are. That
is how, as an entrepreneur, you play your game and succeed.
by Ann Evanston | Jan 19, 2015 | Mental Mind Shifts, Transcendence
You transcend when you make changes that don’t go back!
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