Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

Setting Boundaries: 2 Reasons it All Goes Bad
Often working with women a discussion around boundaries comes up. Many women believe they have boundaries, and set boundaries with people in their personal and professional lives. The want to understand why people don't respect them. I often find though that two...

Self Care is the Highest Form of Self Love
As busy women, we can often forget to take care of ourselves. Heck, I even see women so busy that they don't eat breakfast because they're taking care of everybody else! Being able to recognize the importance of caring for yourself, above all others is key. Because...

Consciously Shifting your Energy for Greater Success
Over the last two weeks I've talked about the energy of success and why it's important to understand that you consciously control it. A simple tip to be more effective and handling energy is word choice. As you know I frequently say: "you must train your mind to...

The Simplest but Still the Hardest Practice for Great Self-Worth
Stepping into our personal power and owning our self-worth is often a struggle. The key to self-worth is the relationship that you have with yourself. In understanding that definition, the simplest thing to practice becomes clear. In order to have great self-worth,...