Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

The Energy of Success
Success is simply ones progressive commitment to a goal or desire. While walking that path, a successful person uses money to realize their goals or desires and to live as they choose. Let me be clear: success isn't about how much money you make. I don't care if you...

Fighting in a Relationship
Fighting in a partner relationship is bound to occur. In healthy, great relationships, I believe the "blowout fights" are few and far between. I believe that because it's true for my healthy relationship! A tiff is different then a fight and if you're in a...

When Abundance is TOO Much
My husband and I have a huge garden. We have converted our entire yard to grow food. Harvest, typically twice a year, because we grow year round, is an extremely abundant time! The abundance is everywhere! More tomatoes, more cucumbers, more basil…more. But you don't...

Influencers are Yes People
I'm always looking at common characteristics of influential people. One thing that always holds true is that they are "yes people". Influencers understand that opportunity can come from anywhere. They are open to possibilities, new relationships, and easy wins. In...