
Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

When Relationships are all Take and No Give

When Relationships are all Take and No Give

There are times in life where I struggle with relationships. Maybe you never feel this way, but I feel I can give to a relationship so much and never get anything back. I have friends that I have never hesitated to share my resources, my home, my network. If they ask...

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The Mindset of the Yes

The Mindset of the Yes

The Mindset of Yes can seem like a simple one. Most people though, have the mindset of "curious." There is a distinct difference between the two. When you have the Mindset of Yes you are always open to possibilities, opportunities, ideas. You are interested in new...

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How do you find balance?

How do you find balance?

Years ago I used to travel the country and teach a one day seminar on: "stress management for women." Hundreds of women would fill the room, wanting to learn about how to manage stress. I remember one of the concepts in the book being about work/life balance. That...

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