Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

Networking and Becoming Influential
In May I wrote a blog about shifting how we think about networking. In order to become more influential in our careers, we have to start thinking about broader more shallow networks instead of deeper, and much smaller networks. I'd like to you to think about your...

Jury Duty and the Mindset of Honor
Ah the Jury duty summons. I remember turning 18 and being so excited about two things that I now had the honor of doing: voting, and serving on a jury! Do you remember that feeling? The enthusiasm and excitement to be a part of your country? To be able to influence...

Why I get up at 4:30 am
4:30 AM. That is when our alarm clock goes off during the week. Oh don't get me wrong I'd rather sleep in a little later, LOL! We get up and instantly put on our gym clothes and go to the gym. We get in about 45 minute workout before heading home so Earl can get ready...

Creating Circles of Inspiration
I'm so excited about a "circle of inspiration" that I'm going to participate in! In its basic form, it's the truest definition of mastermind. Napoleon Hill, who first used the word, stated that mastermind is: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more...