Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

Finding Inspiration
This morning I went on the social media hoping to find some inspiration to write my blog. I have been consistently writing three blogs a week and want to keep that momentum going! I've been summoned to jury duty so I'm feeling a little uninspired right now. Ideas just...

Finding Connection with Women: Boobies
I am always looking for ways we as women connect and find relationship with each other. I recently shared a personal experience on Facebook: Second mammogram day, although you try not to be nervous it's hard not to as you go through the process. As they did the x-rays...

The Power of Energy: Having the BEST Relationship
The end of last week was a great. I had the honor of facilitating my expertise with a group of people on building their personal power and influential voice. I put 110% of my energy into that relationship. I channel all my intuition into those in the room, reaching...

The Mindset of Work
Work! Damn word. Damn work. Work never ends....does it? OK, well not for me! I WORK on my career. I WORK on sales and marketing. I WORK to make my work better. I WORK out. I WORK at home: preparing meals, gardening, laundry, cleaning..... I am tired just thinking...