Learn the 4 key elements to developing your personal power in my book!

The Mindset of Assertiveness
Assertiveness begins with having certain mindsets. As women, we must be willing to overcome perceptions and stereotypes that come with speaking up. The more we believe that those perceptions are true the less likely we are to have healthy boundaries, and ask for what...

Receiving Unconditional Love
Receiving unconditional love is a rare and precious thing. The realization of having it in my life has been so gratifying. My husband loves me no matter what. He is my number one fan, and biggest champion. He believes I can do anything, and supports the things that I...

A Sensual Woman
I love talking with women about being sensual. It amazes me how many associate sensuality with sexuality. The two are very different things. And together they are quite powerful! Sensuality, is simply the ability to engage all of your senses. So a sensual woman...

Making a Wish Come True
Remember when you were little and you were given the opportunity to make a wish? I bet, like I was, you were told to not tell anyone your wish or wouldn’t come true. When I was a little girl I started collecting wooden nutcrackers. I’d seen the Nutcracker ballet...